Thursday, January 31, 2013
1 2 3
This morning Beckett woke up early, 5:15 am to be exact YAWN! Things went normal from that point on both kids woke up, ate breakfast, and got dressed. I went to change Beckett and get his jacket on, I laid him on the bed with Allison so I could grab his car seat. Cooper came into my room and laid on the bed too. I glanced over and thought look at my babies all together, then I thought I better grab a picture of this! I love being a mother, my kids give me such purpose in life.
A little side note, today is Cooper's half birthday! My baby is 4 1/2 today, to close to 5:(
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
New milestones
Beckett has been doing some new things lately. Last Monday while we were in Midland at lunch my mother in law was holding Beckett and I guess the lil guy couldn't see me so he was getting a bit upset, and he reached for me. Then a lil later after lunch while at my sisters house Beckett was on the floor and was getting upset so my sister went to give him a toy. When he was still fussing I went down to the floor to cheer him up, well Beckett actually reached for me! I was shocked. Mostly because Beckett seems to want everyone else's attention but mine. Well this week my lil guy has been reaching for me with both arms, I know its not a big deal but I just love that Beckett wants me!
I find it fascinating how when babies are born they have exact needs eat, sleep, diaper change. They are uninterested in anything. But it doesn't last long, soon there eye sight improves and not long after that toys come into the picture. Beckett has been interested in his toys, but know he wants anything he can see and I mean anything: the control in sisters hand, the phone in daddy's hand, or the computer in my lap! To a baby a toy can be anything!
Last Monday I could tell that Beckett had caught my cold. Friday and Saturday Beckett was pretty whinny. My baby is totally laid back, everyone says he is the most chill kid. To see my baby cry at the drop of a hat was strange. I could hear my kid cry and think man someone needs to go get there baby, wait its my baby crying. I was very thankful Richard was home this weekend. Turns out towards the end of Saturday I noticed Beckett had his two bottom teeth!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
RIP Tiger-Lily
Wednesday night our rabbit passed away. Richard and I were shocked! I instantly began to cry, how in the world would we explain this to our daughter and would she ever recover. I know I am being a bit dramatic, but words can not explain how much my daughter loved her rabbit. Richard and I sat numb in the living room trying to decided what to do. Finally we came to the conclusion it was better to wake her up and tell her the news instead of trying to console her before school the next morning. Allison was in tears, Richard held her while she cried for 35 minutes. We even moved her into our bedroom for the night as she cried her self to sleep. The tears didn't stop there through Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Allison would listen to her ipod the song my immortal by evanescence and cry. Tiger-Lily was wrapped in several garbage bags in a box taped several times. Allison would go to the box and cry. It was heart wrenching, it was so hard especially since there was nothing we could really do. I told Richard can you imagine Allison as a teenager crying over a boyfriend, this kid is EMOTIONAL!
Since Wednesday Richard had been looking for another rabbit. Technically its not rabbit season until mid February into March. Friday night we found another Minny Rex rabbit the same brand as Tiger-lily. This rabbit was a boy but he was black too, and was born in November. Sunday we made the drive to Tatum New Mexico to pick up our new rabbit which Allison named Toby. Allison is in love and I am thrilled she is happy.
Since Wednesday Richard had been looking for another rabbit. Technically its not rabbit season until mid February into March. Friday night we found another Minny Rex rabbit the same brand as Tiger-lily. This rabbit was a boy but he was black too, and was born in November. Sunday we made the drive to Tatum New Mexico to pick up our new rabbit which Allison named Toby. Allison is in love and I am thrilled she is happy.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Piano Lesson's
Allison started her piano lesson's!!! I found a great piano teacher here in Hobbs. Thanks to my mom we have a ton of sheet music for Allison to practice with. Allison's piano teacher was very kind and I love her method of teaching. Allison took very quickly to her instructions. When we left the lesson's Allison said "Mom I am going to practice so hard that I know this new song perfect." I am a little worried about adding piano lesson's to our daily list of homework, reading, and soon soccer practice! Although I know it will be worth it and Allison just loves music.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Craft Day
Monday was MLK day and Allison and Cooper had no school, so I decided to drive into Midland to finish up a few things for my sister Heathers baby shower. A day dedicated to crafts! I woke up at 5:30 and rushed to get ready and the kids ready and out the door and on the road by 7:30. I of course load and prepared everything the day before. We were successful, 7:32!! I pulled into Midland about 9:45. I drove straight to my sisters and worked for nearly two hours until we took a little break and had lunch with my in laws, nephew, and his girlfriend. It was a nice little break, it had also been a while since we had seen my in laws. Grandma and Grandad even rewarded Allison with 5 dollars per A on her report card. After lunch Allison went and spent some time at my sister and brother in laws house, they also purchased a few special things because of her good grades. While Allison was busy the boys and I stayed at my sisters while we worked on the bath towel, wash clothes, and a few other surprise items for my sister Heather's baby shower gifts. At 4pm we packed up, picked up Allison, and drove over to the jump party. We played for an hour but left because there were a TON of kids. We grabbed chickfila and then headed back to Hobbs. It was a quick but another fun day spent in Midland!!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Allison's first slumber party!
Saturday was a busy day. A ton of things I had already committed to before Richard's schedule changed. First up a baby shower and swim party for Allison. I was suppose to bring a few dishes to the shower. Well I hadn't manging to make what I originally wanted to cook so I loaded up all three kids and went to the store early and dropped off the food a half hour before the party. Then we headed to the high school for a swim party for Allison's little friend. I dropped Allison off at the party and had to drive home since I forgot our swim bag with the towels in them. I drove home and headed to the baby shower to chat and drop off my gift. The boys were so well behaved I stayed for an hour. Then we headed back to the swim party when I suddenly remembered I left Cooper's swim suit on the table and had to drive all the way back home! We finally managed to get back to the pool and Cooper swam with Allison and her friend Madison for an hour. I ended up chatting with Madison's mom for a while who begged me to let Allison spend the night for the slumber party, which I had already decided against. None of the 5 girls Madison invited could spend the night. After asking a billion questions (I am sure she thought I was a way paranoid mom) I allowed Allison to spend the night. Richard actually got off at 5 and we packed Allison's bag and dropped it by Madison's. It was an interesting night, I worried about Allison the entire night. I was so ready to pick her up the next morning. Allison was so happy and told me every detail of her sleep over. Which included playing with makeup, painting nails/toes, and staying up late. I glad she had fun but I think I will have to wait awhile before I allow another slumber party!!
12 days..
2 weeks ago Richards work schedule changed. I knew it was coming people have moved up and moved off. Richard was assigned a new route and new hours come with that. He know works 10 days on and 4 days off:( He is still suppose to work 8 hour days. Which is 7:00-3:30, with a 30 minute lunch. Lets just say he never rolls in the door until 4:30. But since he is learning a knew route which has some hicups, he has not made it home until 7:30 or past 9! They wanted Richard to start on this schedule right away which meant he had to work 12 days straight instead of 10. It has been a huge adjustment. I think if he actually worked eight hour days, it wouldn't have been so bad. But the poor guy got called out at least 4 times of the past 12 days, one day he drove home from work we were about to eat dinner and he got a call and had to drive back to work! A few days at 3 am and 4:30 am Richard had to leave to work early. I struggled to keep everything up, but after a few stressful days I decided maybe the house and car were not going to be as clean as I want. I could tell the kids missed Richard, they were pushing boundaries. Then to top it off I got sick (sinus infection), then Allison got sick, and my poor Beckett also caught what we all had! Well we finally made it to Friday and daddy is home for the next few days, and we are going to soak up all the time we can.
This picture is of Beckett and one of his lil friends. The picture was taken on Saturday while Richard worked and I had a baby shower to be at.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Good news from Mills Elementary
I had to blog about my sweet Alli-cat! Late last week we received a letter in the mail!
Dear Richard and Stacey,
Mrs. Lewis is bragging on Allison. She is a steadfast, conscientious worker. She preforms well in everything she undertakes and has a pleasant personality. She really enjoys having Allison in her class this year.
Mrs Bryant
Yesterday Allison got her 9 week report card, straight A's!!! I am so proud of my daughter. She doesn't let anything stand in her way. If a concept doesn't make sense to her, she questions it. For example she didn't know how to hula hoop so she practiced for a day and figure it out. I admire her strong spirit and appreciate how strong willed she is. Even as a toddler she wouldn't disobey but try to compromise with me. Allison is quick to apologize and always tries to choose the right. So thankful to be this special little girls mother.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The relationship that Allison and Beckett share is so sweet and special. Allison is definitely a little mommy to her baby brother. Every morning Allison has to find Beckett so she can give him a good morning kiss. Most mornings he wakes up at 6:20 so she almost always gets to spend time with him. Allison loves when Beckett is on the floor so she can give him toys and sing to him. Also Allison has worked really hard to teach Beckett how to sit up. While he was on the rug Allison would sit Beckett on his bottom and help balance him. Any time Mr B is upset she will bring him an assortment of toys to cheer him up, or gives him is pacifier. I have a picture some where with Beckett covered in toys in his swing, you can barely see the lil guy. Allison is always asking to feed Beckett, hold him, or play with him! I love hearing Allison talk to Beckett any time we drive any where, she is so attentive to baby B. It warms my heart to see them together.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
This is a short post but I didn't want to forget this sweet moment.
When babies are little they always like to grab your fingers, they can grasp your single finger with there entire hand. With all my children when my babies do this I kiss the top of there hand, as they hold my finger. Having said that Beckett is my exception. Ever single time I do this, I start to kiss the top of his hand and by the second kiss he lets go of my finger and grabs my face gently. He then puts the palm of his hand on my lips, Beckett has done this for some time. I now kiss his little palm over and over. I know this might seem totally insignificant to others. But I treasure this little thing that Beckett does, how very very blessed I am to be this sweet lil boys mom. Some times at night I watch him sleep and I think just how dang luck I am. There is NO greater feeling then that of the love that you have for your own child. It changes everything, even the entire way the world looks. Being a mother has made me a softer person and I am forever grateful for that gift. Okay I'll whip away my silly tears and go tend to my mommy chores for the day, LAUNDRY!
More sickness
Sunday morning Cooper woke up early and came into our room and said "I need to pee!" I told him to go potty and watched him go into the bathroom. He came out and said "I believe I am sick." at that point I could see how red his checks were. I took his temp and it was 102.8! Tylenol always works well for Cooper, until the fever comes back. Cooper has always reminded me of Linus from Charlie Brown, that kid loves his blankets especially when he doesn't feel well! Richard stayed home with Cooper while Allison, Beckett, and I went to church. Through out the day every 3-4 hours Cooper had fever. Cooper was feeling so bad Sunday he literally was falling asleep through out the house. In the picture above he feel asleep on the rug in the living room.
Monday morning I take Allison to school and the boys and I run to the Dr's. After nearly two and half hours there, Cooper has flu type b and tonsillitis. Apparently you can catch a different strand of flu after you have had another type. Coop is back on tamiflu and amoxicillin for his tonsils. Looks like a week of indoor fun for me and the boys. I am just hoping none of us catch it and we can get through the next few days.
I thought I would add to this post a few things Cooper has said in the past week.
While we were waiting for the Dr, Coop had a question. He ask me "What do Chicken's eat? And how do they eat with there tiny mouths?"
Lately the kids have been watching Gnomeo and Juliet. Which has Cooper asking question's.. "Are we watching that movie where the boy and girl are in looove?"
One morning Cooper asked me a question out of the blue. "Where do frogs sleep, mom?"
This question was even more random. I had just picked up Cooper from school, we were home and he asked to watch a movie in my room. He sat on my bed and ask "Can a boy be in love with two girls at the same time." We had a lot to discuss with this question!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Check up
Yesterday morning was Beckett's 6 month check up. I dropped Allison off at school and the boys and I drove into town. My big boy!! Gone are the days when my baby was in the 14%, present are the days when my baby is know in the 73%! Beckett weighs 18 pounds! My kid is huge! Allison weighed 18 pounds at her 1 year check up, and Beckett is only half way to one lol.
Beckett's stats: Head circumference~ 45.8 cm 93%
Height~ 29.8in 93%
Weight~18lbs 8oz 78%
Combined average~57%
Dr was not concerned with his weight. He said that as an average of all three Beckett is in the 50 percentile which is perfect. Although the Dr did say to expect Beckett to be taller then both his older siblings! The Dr also looked over Beckett's motor developmental skills: sitting, standing, eye site, and hearing etc. All looks great and he is right on schedule. Beckett also has a cold, and a little fluid in his lungs so the Dr wanted us to give him nebulizer treatments. Also Beckett is still on his reflux medicine three times a day (we got another two refills), but the Dr did not want to up his dose because he wants to taper him slow off before he turns one. To top of his check up my poor baby got his six month shots and boy did he cry!!! He also got a fever later on in the day and has been pretty fussy with no appetite. Hopefully that passes soon.
While I was in Midland I got to have lunch with my sister and we got to shop for our little sister's baby shower. I had so much fun, even though we only spent a short amount of time together.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I did this once before. I blogged a few years ago about a day in my life. I loved going back and reading what life was like then, so I thought I would do it again.
Monday January 7th
Beckett woke up at 4:43 am. I feed Beckett, and put him back in his bed. But someone was wide awake and playing, so I got up and brought him out into the living room. Around 5am my friend texted me saying her lil guy woke up early and would nap during our normal walking schedule so we would walk later. At 5:15 the alarm went off for Richard to get up. I played with Beckett on the floor until 6 am, Richard left for work. Beckett was rubbing his eyes so I laid him in his crib and he feel asleep. I got dressed then I went to turn on the oven, and started getting breakfast ready. At 6:30 I wake up Allison and snuggle with her for ten minutes. I gathered Beckett's bag, car seat, and jacket. I wake up Cooper and carry him into the living room. Then we all eat breakfast and get dressed. After I brush Allison's hair I wake up Beckett and then help Cooper finished getting dressed. We all head into the car and I drop Allison off at school, then I drive across town and drop Cooper off at school. I talk to his teacher for a few minutes, than kiss him goodbye. Beckett and I run to the grocery store and pick up a ton of food etc. I drop off all the food at the house and drive to the Mall to walk with my friend for our regular 3 miles. After walking I drive to Cooper's preschool early to feed Beckett, 30 minutes later Cooper gets off of preschool and I pick him up. The boys and I drive to Albertson's to pick up a donut to take to Allison. We drive to Allison's school and enjoy a nice chatting with her during her lunch. After lunch we go back home, Cooper watched a movie in my room and Beckett finishes eating then lays down for another nap. I put up all the groceries up, clean the bathroom, take out the the trash, start a load of clothes, unload the dish washer, and make lunch for Cooper and I. After lunch my friend comes over with her 10 month old son to bring me some clothes for Beckett to borrow. Beckett wakes up and we sit in the living room chatting with my Friend while Cooper plays the Wii. After my friend leaves I clean up and then we pick up Allison from school. Beckett eats then takes a long nap. Allison and Cooper play together in the living room, while I wash/dry/put up a few more loads of laundry. Allison and I work on home work while we wait outside for the ice cream truck to come to our house, and Cooper rides his scooter. I make dinner, while big kids are playing in there room. Beckett wakes up and sits in his lil chair while I cook, then I feed him again. Richard texts me that he is working late, so the kids and I eat dinner. The kids want to watch Brave, they get there toys out and dress up like the characters. Richard finally comes home. Richard and I chat for half an hour about our day while he eats dinner and Beckett plays on the floor. I get Allison ready for her shower. I get the kids clothes, jackets, socks, shoes, and backpacks together for tomorrow. I make Allison's lunch. Allison gets out of the shower and I get all the kids in there pj's. The Rugrats in Pairs movie comes on and we let the kiddos watch it while Richard and I clean up. Later we all sit in the living room and read our nightly scriptures and then I say our family prayer. Everyone is dressed for bed, teeth brushed, and tucked in. Beckett and Cooper fall asleep as soon as the lay down. Know Allison on the other hand is my kid who gets up over and over again. Finally about 8:15 she is out for the night, and this tired mama and my sweet hubby go to bed early!
That's a day in my life, although I am sure I left out something.. The picture is of Cooper after we parked in the Albertson's parking lot. He looked so cute that day, I decided to take a picture but the stinker didn't want to smile!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Pinterest, take two!
I know I have posted about my love for Pinterest, but I have recently tried a few more recipes and I am in love. I also have a very ambishes project in the works, will post more about that later!! For Christmas day even though I was totally delirious I still manged to make this wonderful chocolate cake. I rarely ate while I was sick, but this cake was the one thing that I was able to keep down, and it tasted delightful. The Saturday after Christmas I made this breakfast casserole, I had been wanting to try this one for a long time, another success, Richard ate the whole thing! And last night I made the pepperoni stromboli recipe, it was to die for!! THANKS PINTEREST for wonderful recipes added to my collection.
Monday, January 7, 2013
My niece's 4th bday!




Friday after Richard got off work we drove into Midland. We decided at the last minute to go to the drive in to see the Hobbit, since all the kids fell asleep. It was well worth staying up tell 1am, the movie was good and I enjoyed the quiet time with Richard. Unfortunately after a late night we had to wake up early because we had a ton of plans Saturday! First off a much needed hair cut for my boys, donuts at T&T, and my niece's birthday party. I didn't realize how much I missed my family because I had a blast at the party! After all the confetti fun we dropped of Allison to spend time at my sister and brother in laws, and I went to run more errands around town with my boys! It was days like those that make me desperately miss Midland.
I don't know why I always feel like I need to explain why I write a certain blog post.
Yesterday I heard some unsettling news about my friend who is expecting. Even though the circumstance are completely different it reminded me of my pregnancy with Allison. Thinking back remind me of memories from my pregnancy with Allison and then Cooper. I use this blog to keep up to date with family but it is also a journal for my kids to look back on. So I decided I would add some of my thoughts that I have not written down about my pregnancies with Allison and Cooper.
Allison~ When I went in for my BIG 20 week ultrasound on top of finding out we were expecting a girl, little Miss wasn't so little and was measuring big. This prompted my Dr to set me up for another ultrasound a month later which then led to an early test for gestational diabetes at 26 weeks. Most people know that I did indeed end up having gestational diabetes with Allison. The other concern was that during both ultrasounds Allison did not exert alot of movement which proceeded my Dr to set me up for bi-weekly ultrasounds and bi-weekly stress test on top of regular weekly visits. And so began my three appointments a week from when I was 28 weeks until I had Allison at 39 weeks and 6 days. I would go in during my lunch break for stress test twice a week. Richard would go with me when he could, but most of the time I went by my self. And the funny thing was every time I went by myself my Alli-cat would refuse to move, which meant another hour stress test and then hospitalization if she wouldn't move. The nurse would make me drink cold water, turn from side to side, and nothing would make her move. Finally the nurse recognize Allison would move when Richard was around. So she suggested I call him, and guess what that lil stinker would move! On top of all these appointment because of the gestational diabetes I had to meet with a dietitian, change my diet completely, and check my blood sugar levels 5 times a day. I remember at my last ultrasound with Allison the Dr said she weighed 9 pounds! At that point the Dr scheduled an induction the day before my due date 05-04-05. Which was funny I made it to May because I was dilated to a 4 at my 32 week check up. And since Allison was so big they didn't believe I would ever make it to my due date. All turned out okay with my labor and Miss Allison was born health and of course the first thing out of my mouth was how much does she weigh. Turns out the estimates were wrong and she actually barely weighed 7 pounds! A few things I remember about my pregnancy with Allison was the 24 hour stomach bug I had on the 23-24 of December. I was so sick that I was really worried about Allison. I let Richard open a Christmas gift early a heart doppler, and for hours we just listened to Allison's heart beat. While I was pregnant with Allison it was one of my favorite Valentines. Richard bought me this beautiful necklace, the Jessica Simpson CD, and one of my favorite maternity shirts. He left all of this in my car while I was at work with a dozen roses.
Cooper~ Its funny that I remember so many details of my pregnancy with Allison but most of my pregnancy with Cooper is a blur. I remember being pretty sick in the beginning. Nearly missing Christmas with my in laws because my morning sickness was sooooo bad. (this is totally a pattern I have been so sick during Christmas with all three of my pregnancies!) I think one of my biggest memories during my pregnancy is that I knew I was having a boy. With Allison I wanted a boy but I really had no idea what I was having. With Cooper I was positive he was a boy. And I will never forget when I called Richard to tell him I was pregnant. He yelled out to his buddies, my wife is pregnant and its a BOY! Another clear memory is when I spent a month in California when I was 6 months pregnant. I bought all of Cooper's baby clothes for the entire first year of his life. My fondest memory was walking on the beach in California and holding my Alli-cats hand as I could barley see my feet. I think my pregnancy was a blur because I had no issues, it was a fairly easy pregnancy with no complications. I also remember having to take the gestational diabetes test and nearly vomiting up that terrible drink, so lol I threw away the last 1/3 of the drink because I knew I was going to fail anyway. I did fail the first test but passed the second test. Most of Cooper's pregnancy I felt pretty huge and unattractive, I always tell people never cut off your hair when your pregnant. Cooper was the only one of the three kids that gave me false labor. I remember having such bad contractions that I walked up and down the Monclave house, and was swaying my hips while holding on to the counter in the kitchen. After a hot bath the contractions stopped. This is probably TMI but I remember being in the bath tub having a stern talk with Cooper, and telling him he need to come out already. I walked and walked and walked to get that lil guy out early. Like all my other births he was a planned induction.
Those are just a few of my memories:)
Yesterday I heard some unsettling news about my friend who is expecting. Even though the circumstance are completely different it reminded me of my pregnancy with Allison. Thinking back remind me of memories from my pregnancy with Allison and then Cooper. I use this blog to keep up to date with family but it is also a journal for my kids to look back on. So I decided I would add some of my thoughts that I have not written down about my pregnancies with Allison and Cooper.
Allison~ When I went in for my BIG 20 week ultrasound on top of finding out we were expecting a girl, little Miss wasn't so little and was measuring big. This prompted my Dr to set me up for another ultrasound a month later which then led to an early test for gestational diabetes at 26 weeks. Most people know that I did indeed end up having gestational diabetes with Allison. The other concern was that during both ultrasounds Allison did not exert alot of movement which proceeded my Dr to set me up for bi-weekly ultrasounds and bi-weekly stress test on top of regular weekly visits. And so began my three appointments a week from when I was 28 weeks until I had Allison at 39 weeks and 6 days. I would go in during my lunch break for stress test twice a week. Richard would go with me when he could, but most of the time I went by my self. And the funny thing was every time I went by myself my Alli-cat would refuse to move, which meant another hour stress test and then hospitalization if she wouldn't move. The nurse would make me drink cold water, turn from side to side, and nothing would make her move. Finally the nurse recognize Allison would move when Richard was around. So she suggested I call him, and guess what that lil stinker would move! On top of all these appointment because of the gestational diabetes I had to meet with a dietitian, change my diet completely, and check my blood sugar levels 5 times a day. I remember at my last ultrasound with Allison the Dr said she weighed 9 pounds! At that point the Dr scheduled an induction the day before my due date 05-04-05. Which was funny I made it to May because I was dilated to a 4 at my 32 week check up. And since Allison was so big they didn't believe I would ever make it to my due date. All turned out okay with my labor and Miss Allison was born health and of course the first thing out of my mouth was how much does she weigh. Turns out the estimates were wrong and she actually barely weighed 7 pounds! A few things I remember about my pregnancy with Allison was the 24 hour stomach bug I had on the 23-24 of December. I was so sick that I was really worried about Allison. I let Richard open a Christmas gift early a heart doppler, and for hours we just listened to Allison's heart beat. While I was pregnant with Allison it was one of my favorite Valentines. Richard bought me this beautiful necklace, the Jessica Simpson CD, and one of my favorite maternity shirts. He left all of this in my car while I was at work with a dozen roses.
Cooper~ Its funny that I remember so many details of my pregnancy with Allison but most of my pregnancy with Cooper is a blur. I remember being pretty sick in the beginning. Nearly missing Christmas with my in laws because my morning sickness was sooooo bad. (this is totally a pattern I have been so sick during Christmas with all three of my pregnancies!) I think one of my biggest memories during my pregnancy is that I knew I was having a boy. With Allison I wanted a boy but I really had no idea what I was having. With Cooper I was positive he was a boy. And I will never forget when I called Richard to tell him I was pregnant. He yelled out to his buddies, my wife is pregnant and its a BOY! Another clear memory is when I spent a month in California when I was 6 months pregnant. I bought all of Cooper's baby clothes for the entire first year of his life. My fondest memory was walking on the beach in California and holding my Alli-cats hand as I could barley see my feet. I think my pregnancy was a blur because I had no issues, it was a fairly easy pregnancy with no complications. I also remember having to take the gestational diabetes test and nearly vomiting up that terrible drink, so lol I threw away the last 1/3 of the drink because I knew I was going to fail anyway. I did fail the first test but passed the second test. Most of Cooper's pregnancy I felt pretty huge and unattractive, I always tell people never cut off your hair when your pregnant. Cooper was the only one of the three kids that gave me false labor. I remember having such bad contractions that I walked up and down the Monclave house, and was swaying my hips while holding on to the counter in the kitchen. After a hot bath the contractions stopped. This is probably TMI but I remember being in the bath tub having a stern talk with Cooper, and telling him he need to come out already. I walked and walked and walked to get that lil guy out early. Like all my other births he was a planned induction.
Those are just a few of my memories:)
Sunday, January 6, 2013
6 months!
My sweet Beckett Paul is 6 months old today. Last month was a long one for my lil guy. It almost took a solid two weeks to get over the flu. Although the flu really was tough on Beckett, we got to cuddle a ton while he was under the weather. I was for sure Beckett would have finally started crawling this past month but alas I think the flu held him back. About the only new changes for my lil guy is that he is know eating baby food. So far we love apple sauce but are not to sure about sweet potatoes. Beckett is also sleeping through the night, although he does have the occasional night he wakes up but not often. Beckett also has finally started to play with his toys. A new development from Beckett is how he likes to study peoples face when there holding him, he will gently touch a persons face with his hand. He also does this with his toys or anything he touches. Beckett is definitely my thinker. Mr B got a ton of toys for Christmas to start to add to his collection. I cant believe my baby is six months old already. I am excited for all the fun things he will get to experience this year, my baby B has a lot of milestones he will be reaching and I cant wait.
Pictures from New Years Eve

Richard and I

My Father and Mother in law and there children plus spouses (Don't you love how I was not looking at the camera, two separate people were taking picture,)

My sister in law and my niece's and nephew

My Father and Mother in law

Most of all my Father in laws siblings
My sister in law loaded the pictures from NYE, so I thought I would add them to the blog for safe keeping.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Snow 2013
Last night it snowed!! Of course this is the day my kiddos sleep in tell nearly 10 am! I was busy getting all the kids gloves, jackets, and boots ready for some outdoor fun in the snow. Finally Cooper got up and soon Allison followed. I got all the kiddos dressed warmly to venture in the snow. Last night Richard put a bowl outside to catch snow, a tradition I follow from my mother. Allison was the most excited and I was surprised Cooper agreed to go out because he normal dislikes cold weather. I allowed Beckett to go out just for a picture with the snow and to touch it which he didn't even care lol. Most of the snow melted in the front yard but there was still plenty to play with in the back yard. The kids played for about ten minutes and then came in and ate the whole bowel of snow. I am so glad it finally snowed because Allison had been asking since December 1st hit.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Another year
Its been two years today since my Aunt passed away. I still remember every detail vividly, waiting for the news from my other Aunt in California, I slept with my phone that night. I remember reading the news of her passing through a text message, and I remember the distinct feeling of a piece of me leaving. My biggest regret is not being there before she passed. I try not to think about her death, or the suffering she endured. I try to think about my Aunts life and the legacy she leaves behind. The time she gave me of hers. The nonjudgmental love she gave all. The words she gave me, words that no one else on this plant could give. There are very few people in this world that don't judge others, there are even fewer people who give there time willingly to others. My Aunt was a true example of this. When she gave you her attention it was given fully with out question. I have never know a person love like she loved others. She loved me unconditionally, she loved my husband like her own, and she loved my children as much as she loved me. I thought is was so cruel to have her taken away from me. I don't have many family members left, with my dad being gone. I am not sure how I would function if something happened to my mother. But I know that I will see my Aunt again, I know that my Aunt is an angle in heaven on my side, I know she looks in on us everyday, and I know with out a shadow of a doubt how much she loved me.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
On Sunday our family was finally feeling better so we had decided we would drive into Midland for New Years Eve. Richard's dad side was having a reunion type get together for NYE (no kids). Although Richard had to work Monday, so we left when he got off work. We drove straight to Midland and dropped off the kids with my sister. Normally for NYE we stay indoors make a bunch of snacks/deserts, rent movies, and play board games with the kids or my nieces/nephews. This was probably one of the most exciting NYE we've had in years, surround by Richards family. I meet so many people I honestly couldn't remember them all, I got many hugs though! It was nice to be alone with Richard and no kids. I am sure I talked a bunch of peoples heads off, I hadn't been with adults in several days actually weeks lol. I am curious to see pictures from this gathering, my sister in law was really great about capturing many moments during the night. I really enjoyed being able to spend some time with Richard's family since we were unable to be with them this Christmas. It also makes me excited for all the fun new things happening to our family this year. I feel like 2013 is going to be an amazing year.

New Years day was fun too. Richard had the day off, we slept in at his parents house. Richard got up and got breakfast for everyone. We all got dressed to run a couple errands. Then spent some time with family. We also got to open a few Christmas presents and give presents too. We then headed to Odessa to take Allison ice skating, my niece and her boyfriend tagged along. While they ice skated I took the boys with me, Cooper played on the play grounds in the mall and took a ride on the lil train ride. Beckett just sat in my arms and enjoyed the views. After ice skating we all enjoyed a late lunch at the new Rosa's on the way back to Midland and my lil Beckett sat in a high chair for the first time. Then we dropped the kids off with my sister and brother in law to play and I dropped of Beckett and Richard at my in laws while I went to watch Le Miserables with my sister Courtney. It was an amazing movie, I felt so lucky to be able to watch it with one of my favorite people. I cried, I laughed, and remembered. When I was a little girl my sister Jamie had the sheet music to Le Miserables and she would play songs for me and reenact parts from the play. As a little girl I would sing Cosette's I have a castle on a cloud. I believe I had an excellent start to 2013, making memories already!
Looking back on 2012

On the last day of the 2012 I sit back and reflect on what this year had brought me. The first thought of the past year is my pregnancy with Beckett. Because lets face it I was pregnant for over half the year! I did a lot of things while pregnant. I went camping, had sever contractions during my niece's wedding, or when I walked Sea World for two whole days nearly 9 months pregnant, or the worlds longest fourth of July! That was a long pregnancy, but the end result was my sweet lil baby boy. A sweet angle from Heaven who brings me such joy. I believe babies are suppose to bring you closer and remind you of the tender mercies of the Lord. I am reminded daily that this lil person needs my help and my love. Beckett has caused us a few worries, especially after he was born and his troubles with acid reflux. Then his hospitalization at three months old with bronchiolitis. And most recently his fight with the flu. Through it all nothing has stopped us from giving love and enjoying every milestone of Beckett's. Not only did this year bring us a new member to our family but we had many additions to our family. My sisters both started out the year with new boyfriends, one is know officially my brother in law as of Christmas day. Then the arrival of my niece Clara who is only 3 months younger than Beckett, what lil friends they will be growing up. 2012 brought many first for my Cooper James, who started preschool and soccer. I saw huge changes in my little guy this year, he has definitely grown from my baby to a little boy. My Alli-cat had a successful year in school and soccer. I am amazed at how intelligent and truly caring she is, especially to her baby brother. The beginning of the year of 2012 brought many fun gatherings on the Sanchez side for the impending nuptials for my niece. We had many showers and wedding festivities. I got to watch my sweet Cooper James and Alli-cat walk down the aisle as ring bearer and flower girl, then witness the marriage of one of the most beautiful brides. August brought the news of my littlest sister expecting and my niece and her new husband expecting. 2012 also brought some changes to my side of the family. My lil sister Heather moved to San Angelo where her boyfriend works. Then my mother moved to Fort Worth in November to follow my step dad and his transfer there. And more recent news, my oldest sister was accepted in to an elite program with Chevron and moves March 1st to California. Many things have happened this year, I am so very blessed.
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