Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Piano recital
Allison had her first piano recital. I cant explain how many times Allison practiced her songs. Every time she passed the piano she would play. Richard had to work Sunday but he was able to get off early and we were all able to go to the recital together. Allison was the second child to play and she played two songs. The boys were actual pretty rowdy during the recital! I think Cooper's was active because I had made him lie low for 24 hours because of his head injury. Beckett had just woken up from his nap so he was ready to play. There were several students who played in the recital, there were three from our church that we knew. Allison was so impressed with some of the older children who played. She asked me "Mom how long do you think that boy practiced to play that long song and have it memorized?" The "boy" Allison was refereeing to is actual in my Sunday school class that I teach. When I asked Elliot how long he practiced that particular song he said 16 months! Richard and I are so proud of Allison's commitment and perseverance with the piano. I am excited to see her continue to progress.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Autism walk and Emergency room visit
I drove into Midland on Friday afternoon so I could participate in the Autism awareness walk Saturday morning. My friend Jessica, her oldest son is on the autism spectrum. I meet Jessica almost 5 years ago when our boys were babies. Jessica was my walking buddy when we lived in Midland. I supported and walk the Autism walk in 2010 and 2011, but last year with the combination of being 8 months pregnant and Allison's birthday I didn't attend the walk. This year I was determined to walk! I am so glad I made it this year, there was an amazing turn out! This years walk was held at the centennial plaza in down town Midland. There were several blocks, that were blocked off specifically for the walk. So many company's vendors, families, and friends were out in attendance all in the name of Autism!! I was able to walk with my friend Jessica's parents, both of Jessica's sons, and Jessica's mother in law. Along with hundreds if not thousands of people! At one point at the end of the mile I looked back and what a sight of people behind me. One of my favorite things about the walk is each team makes there own autism awareness shirt. Some of my favorite shirts were the angry bird, keep calm, and the star wars inspired Yoda shirt!
I made it back to Hobbs shortly before five. On our way out of town I grabbed chickfila which the kids ate before falling asleep and sleeping the whole way back to Hobbs. The kids had been so good the whole day when we drove into town I decided to pick them up ice cream and take them to the park to play. We weren't even at the park ten minutes when Cooper got hurt. Allison was on this piece of playground equipment where you stand and hold on to these medal bars with your hands and jump. Cooper decided to climb on. Allison jumped up and Cooper nearly fell. Richard told Allison to stop and for Cooper to get down. Well Allison jumped again and Cooper bounced up and hit the lower back of his head on the metal bar. He immediately began to cry so hard he wasn't breathing. We saw a huge knot with blood in it on his cerebellum. Richard looked at me and said he thought it was serious enough to take him to the hospital. Cooper immediately began to act drowsy. It was a long stay at the ER. While we were waiting for the ER Doctor Cooper asked me to take a picture. (I love this picture because it shows how dark his hair has gotten but you can still see the light blond at the front of his hair) I was trying to distract him and keep his cognitive skills alert so I obliged, little did I know what he was asking. Cooper quickly told me "No mom a picture of my boo boo!" The little guy wanted to see a picture of his knot. I never did get the picture because the Dr came in and tested several of Cooper's developmental skills. She also looked him over, and concluded a mild concussion. We were discharged after a long wait and with strict instructions to watch him closely the next 24 hours, place ice for thirty minutes on/off for 24 hours, and to wake him every two hours through out the night, and explained the worst case scenarios.
We survived the 24 hours and Cooper seems fine, thank goodness! Hopefully I can keep him less active this week to continue to heal!!!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Field trips
Thursday night I realized that I had forgotten that Allison had a field trip at the same time as Cooper's field trip. Whats a mom to do!! Richard works about thirty minutes from Hobbs plus he had to work, so I had to come up with some kind of solution. Cooper had to be picked up from the Diary Farm on the way out of Hobbs's so I decided to go to his filed trip first. Allison's field trip to the Harry McAdam's State Park was from 9-1. I figured the boys and I would have lunch with her when Coopers field trip was over at 11.
The boys and I had so much fun at the Dairy Farm. One of the students at the preschools family owns the farm. We got to have a tour of the entire farm. It was so interesting learning about the process of milk. Cooper enjoyed feeding a baby cafe the most! When the children were watching the cows eat, the cows were urinating. Of course that's all the boys in the class could talk about! When we were walking back to the car Cooper told me he wanted a pet cow!
We made it over to see Allison before lunch. The children were participating in a few activities when we arrived. We had a fun eating lunch with Allison. We also got to sit with her friends right by the pond, it was so beautiful. While we were eating there was a few times the teachers had to scare the ducks away, the ducks wanted our food! We didn't stay long because it was so windy but Allison was all smiles I could tell she was having a fun day!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
2 front teeth and other things..
Beckett has been cutting his front teeth for over a week know. This morning I notice they finally came down slightly, about half the tooth is visible. Maybe they'll inch the rest of the way down soon. My lil guy has not been himself, he is fussier than normal and his sleep schedule is off. One night he sleeps through the night the next night he wakes up wide awake at 4am chewing on his pacifier whining. Today I caught Beckett with Cooper's carrot. B was chewing/sucking on the carrot for like an hour he loved it! I have really enjoyed Beckett's more active behavior. I love the way he wants to be where one of his family members are. He doesn't like to be alone. He also listens for an open door and the bath water. Beckett will throw back the shower curtain and try to get in the bath tub. The big kids have been getting in trouble because they keep forgetting to shut the bathroom door and I found B in the toilet playing in the water YUCK! I am so lucky to be this precious boys mother!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Welcome Connor
My great nephew was born early Friday morning. Connor Patrick Morgan, 8 pounds 11 ounces and 22 inches long. The whole Sanchez family was anxiously awaiting his arrival and we are all thrilled he is finally here. Little Connor is the first grandchild for the Lujan and Morgan families. He also is the first Great Grandchild for both sides and he has made Richard and I Great Uncle and Great Aunt. Funny side note. Richard mentioned to me Friday night that we would live long enough to be Great Great Aunt and Great Great Uncle one day when Connor has children, and we would only be in our 50's!
Luckily it was Richards weekend off so we could go see Connor and the new parents! We woke up early Saturday morning and ran around Midland until we were able to see Connor. My niece delivered in the new labor delivery ward at the renovated Midland Memorial hospital. We left Beckett with Grandma and Granddad and took the big kids with us. Allison stayed up late the night before to make a card for Natalie. She was just as anxious as me to see her new cousin.. Cooper did tell me on the drive back to Hobbs how Connor was a beautiful baby, awe. I felt so blessed to hold a one day old Connor, who has a full head a hair. I thought my niece Clara had a ton of hair but Connor takes the hair award! Richard even held his new great nephew for awhile. Newborn babies are such blessings I was on a high all day after seeing that sweet lil guy. I am so excited for the new parents, there isn't a greater joy that compares to your first child.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Fire Station tour
Friday Cooper's preschool class had a tour at the fire station. Richard had to go into work for a while so I canceled my chiropractor's appointment to go on the tour. Cooper had been so excited about going to the fire station. Every morning he would wake up and ask if today was the day! We had three preschool classes apart of the tour. First off the children got to see the fire truck and go through it. While the children were taking there turns in the truck the fire alarm went off! There was a fire, and the fire fighters had to leave and they needed there truck! Cooper was apart of the last group of kids in the truck as one of the dads was quickly grabbing each kid and lifting them out! Then we all lined up and watched the truck with the siren on leave the fire house. Luckily the tour wasn't over and another fire man finished our tour. I think Cooper's favorite part was trying on one of the fireman's jackets. Beckett sleep the whole time we were there in his stroller.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
I have been meaning to post about my sweet boys. The have been inseparable this past month. It is such a sweet relationship that they have. My brother passed away 14 years before I was born, so I don't understand a brother relationship. I never thought I would have two boys, and seeing them grow together is completely uncharted territory for me! When we first had B, Cooper was totally uninterested and not phased one bit by baby brother. But since Beckett has started crawling it is a whole new ball game! Cooper tells me things like I am going to teach brother how to walk, and when brother gets bigger I am going to play batman with him, or someday I will chase Beckett at the park. Cooper is such a good helper and reminds me of the relationship that Allison had with a baby Cooper. Beckett is Cooper's little shadow right know he follows him everywhere. I am so thankful for these two boys, later I will have to post about Allison and B.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
This past weekend was so enjoyable. Richard had to work but we still managed to have fun. The past several weekends since coming back from California have been spent out of town in Midland. I was grateful to actually sleep in on a Saturday! 7 am is way better than 5:15am!! Saturday was such a beautiful day I decided to get the Highlander washed and take the kids to the park. I think I forgot to mention we were in our pj's all day, opps! We spent nearly three hours at the park, the kids had so much fun! Even Beckett was having a blast! He enjoyed playing on the slide, walking around the benches, and swinging! Allison heard the ice cream truck driving close we were able to stop the guy and get snow cones and a spider man popsicles. Beckett sure enjoyed his snow cone that Allison didn't finish. After the park we came home and Beckett was napping so I decided to clean the inside of the car as the kids rode scooters and played with our neighbor. It was such a laid back weekend which is exactly what we needed since we have a full week of events ahead of us!!
Monday, April 15, 2013
I am not sure if its a women thing or a mom thing, but some times I have so much going on in my mind I feel like it could explode!
Wash the soccer uniforms
All the sock are missing remember to buy more socks
Allison needs jello for her lunch and we are out of milk!
Pick up my bathing suit from the alterations lady
I need to go over Allison's spelling words one more time
Don't forget to print out the church activity handout
Iron Cooper's graduation gown for pictures on Friday
Order Allison birthday gifts
Pick up Allison's baptism invitations
Stop by the post office and buy stamps
I am in charge of snacks and drinks at Cooper's soccer game and at school
Email the baptism program
Get an oil change
Work on Allison's handkerchief
Change the load in the washer to the dryer
WEDNESDAY'S are early release~ pick up Alli
Pay piano teacher
Make teeth cleaning apt
Honestly the list could go on and on! Some times I have a hard time going to sleep because I have so much on my mind. Since having Beckett I still try to plan some things ahead but I am literally in bed thinking whats on the agenda for tomorrow. I live in my work out gear and only get dressed for appointments, church meetings, and special occasions. For someone who wouldn't leave the house with out makeup things sure have changed since B was born. I needed those extra 30 minutes I had before to now feed B, get him dressed, or save him from some dangerous exploring situation he has gotten himself into. I don't mind my priorities have changed a little and in the fall when Cooper goes to kindergarten maybe I'll have more time, maybe..
Thursday, April 11, 2013
9 months
I am posting late because I wanted to wait for B's check up and stats to post. Beckett trurned 9 months on April 6th. My baby turning 9 months was a hard milestone for me. I cant imagine how his first birthday will be. When he was born I couldn't have even tried to imagine our lives 9 months later. In all honesty I couldn't be happier with our lives right know. Love, its a special thing. You have a special kind of love for your spouse and at one point you cant imagine loving another person more. Than you become a mother and its a game changer, the love you have for your child its unexplainable. A piece of your heart is practically walking around in that lil person you've created. Then you have a second child and you cant possibly imagine how your love can expand, but believe me it does. Well when I had our sweet lil boy 9 months ago my heart practically exploded it grew and grew like the Grinch's. My three babies are my world I live, breath, eat, through there lives. There little lives are so important to me, and my personal wants don't matter so much any more.
Moving on to my baby B and how much he has grown lately! From 6-9 months Beckett has grown in so many ways from crawling, talking, and learning so many new things. B still sleeps through the night with an occasional off night when he is sick which seems to be at least twice a month. Beckett takes a short 30 minute nap in the mornings while I walk my four miles and 2 two hour naps during the day. Since Beckett learned to crawl there has been no stopping that kid. He is into everything!! I take my eye off him for one second and he is gone! I am already hearing from the big kids "Beckett's in my room!" Beckett has also learned to pull up to a standing postion onto objects and can side walk on certain solid objects like couches or Cooper's train table. Mr B can say no, but doesn't say yes but shakes his head yes. He also says Mama a lot, and dada. He says alot of nonsense words, but nothing else real. B is still not my eater, I think this has to do with his reflux which is worse for him when he is sick. Beckett's favorite snack is gold fish he loves to bite down on them with his teeth! Beckett follows Cooper around every where, and Cooper doesn't mind. Beckett laughs at everything Cooper does, and wants to be in whatever room Cooper is in. Beckett definitely is a mama's boy he looks for me when he cant find me and will crawl to me and put is arms up for me to hold him. B also gives the best hugs and still loves to snuggle!! I am anxious to see when Beckett will start walking, maybe before his first birthday! Everyone that sees Beckett mentions how BIG he is. While we were at our biweekly music group at church last week and B was the same height as a 18 month old and nearly the same height as 20 month old. Beckett is also wearing 12 months clothes and some 18 month clothes. He is by far my biggest child. Cant believe he is already 9 months old, I enjoy this little big guy so much!
9 month
Height~ 31 1/2 in
Weight~ 22 lbs 4 oz
Head~ 19 in
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Trip to San Angelo
Sunday morning we left early to drive to San Angelo to spend the day at my sister's. My mom had flown in the day before to help Heather with her new lil guy. I was so happy to see everyone and just hang out chat about house decor, outdoor lawn plans, and just everyday things. The kids had fun playing in the back yard and through out the house. Richard even grilled some burgers and hot dogs for us. Beckett had been sick and since I didn't want Marcus to catch anything I left him at my mother in laws for the day. And just to be extra careful non of the Sanchez crew touched baby Marcus while we were there. Since I didn't get to hold him I sure enjoyed starring at the tiny guy! I cant get over how much dark hair he has!!
After lunch we decided to hit up this cool park by Heather's house. The view of the lack was so beautiful and the weather wasn't to hot. The kids were all having so much fun we had a hard time keeping up with everyone! When we had to leave I had to practically tear away the kids they were having so much fun. I was sad we couldn't stay longer but at least I got to come visit for the day.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Soccer, shopping, date night!
Saturday morning Allison had a soccer game. I am so thankful that the weather has been nice the last few games. Beckett woke up when we got to the field and was ready to play! Thank goodness my sister in law and brother in law were there to occupy my little guy. At one point Beckett was crawling in the grass! Allison played amazing, she scored to goals and two assist. Actually most of the team scored goals we won 10-0! After the game we had lunch with Richards parents and sister and brother in law.
We ate lunch and then drove straight to Midland. Once we got into town we unloaded and then ran errands at the Mall and Academy. Once we settled the kids at Grandma and Granddad's house we left for a date night! We went to see The Great and Powerful Oz, I really enjoyed the movie. After seeing Wicked in San Fransisco a few yearss ago I was curious to see the movie. After the movie we went to dinner at Abuelo's, it was so delicious. I enjoyed being by our selves, I certainly took for granted our time alone before we had our kids. The time we do get to spend together alone is much more special since its rare. Having actual conversations with out being interrupted is probably my favorite thing about being alone. We even sat together in the booth. Holding Richard's hand and having each others full attention was wonderful. I told Richard its time to plan a Mom and Dad only vacation!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Wedding Dress
Thursday night I had Richard help me find the tub that my wedding dress is in. Several years ago while we were visiting my Aunt during the summer, we had a sever flood in our master closet. Because we were gone three weeks without knowing of the flood we came back to a pretty huge mold mess. My dress was stored in a tub that had a crack at the bottom. As a result my dress sustained some damage. Because of the mold I was told to get ride of everything in the closet. I decided to cut off the water damaged areas which included my entire train and some of the back of my dress. Long story short when I realized Allison's baptism was getting close, I originally wanted to make her a dress out of my wedding dress but I knew that wasn't possible. I still wanted to make something special and decided to make her a handkerchief out of a portion of my dress. After we pulled out the dress Allison was fascinated and asked to try it on. I was way to big on her but I clipped it up in the back to stay on her. Cooper walked in to the living room and said "Allison you look so beautiful!" I figured once I cut the remaining piece out of the dress she wouldn't be able to try it on again. I decided to do a lil photo shoot of my daughter in my wedding dress. I tried on my dress too and wouldn't you know it fits and its to big! I had to clip it up in order for the straps to stay on, I am probably 10 to 15 pounds lighter. The fabric is cut and Thursday I will start sewing!
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