Friday, October 31, 2014
Monday night football
The drive in here Midland was showing the Dallas Cowboys game. We knew it would a late night and meant the kids would be staying up late on a school night but we thought it would be fun! We loaded up with snacks, drinks, pillows, blankets, chairs, and a flash light! I didn't realize I was such a loud fan! The kids all started out playing at the playground and eventually it was just me watching Cooper. You wouldn't believe how crowded that place was. We left at half time and came home to put the kids to bed. Turns out our night owl Miss Alli wanted to stay up to watch the game. She even watched into over time. She knows more about football then I did at that age. We were sad they lost but Richard called it before the game.
Cookie decorating
Last week a few ladies from church and I got together to decorate Halloween cookies and chat. It was so much fun I decided to host my own cookie decorating activity. The night before I made a few dozen cookies and my kids got to decorate some. I even made gluten free cookies for friend and her children who have allergies. The next day two friends came over and our boys got busy decorating and eating. It was a fun festive activity and I think I will make it a yearly thing I hold at my house!
Pumpkin carving etc
This past Sunday was our church children's program. We're each child has a speaking part talking about the things learned through the year. In between talks the kids sing songs learned. I wrote the program and seating arrangements, and set up on the stage directing children. It was my first program and it was a success. No crazy thing happened to speak of. Everyone said there part and sung! Richard's parents came to watch the kids! I am bummed because I have no pictures to document any of this! After church I made lunch then took a two hour nap! After dinner we carved pumpkins and cooked seeds. Then walked to the park, which is almost like a daily affair. Love my three!
Soccer, church, and a fall festival!
I wonder how much we can stuff into one day!!! Let's try two soccer games, a church program practice, and a fall festival!! Allison and Coopers games were with in the same hour. I caught the first half of her game then jetted across town with the boys to Cooper's game. Did I mention both boys had terrible colds! We had to leave at half time of Cooper's game to make in time to the church for the program practice. Also did I mention I bagged with Richard's help 75 bags of candy for a treat/thank you to give to the children after the practice. The practice went well, no huge hiccups! Then dash back home to change into costumes for the kids school fall festival. Both kids ran into friends and Richard and I spent the night separate following one kid. Are we helicopter parents?! Anyway let me list some of the attractions: haunted house, 3 face painters, cake walk, coke toss, walk the plank, bull riding, donut contest, and pie throwing. I am missing a ton! There was food everywhere, a pumpkin contest, and a costume contest! Allison won her grade costume contests!! We all had a blast!!! We ended our night at Palino's. We might be crazy busy but I love my crew!
Pumpkin patch 2014
We've made it a tradition to go to the pumpkin patch every year to pick out pumpkins. Richard and I watched as the kids literally went through the whole field twice before committing to pumpkins. My only rule was that they had to be able to carry it. Which turned into an issue for Cooper, he finally settled on one. At one point Beckett had four little pumpkins in his arms, sorry only one! After a short picture session we were done.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Sports Saturday and the drive-in
Richard had to work this weekend. Both kids had soccer games with in thirty minutes of each other. Did I mention how they play on different fields across town from each other?! Anyway to make matters more complicated Richard's assistant coach hadn't made it back in to town for the game. So on the fly I had to step in and coach or we would forfeit. I played soccer in junior high and high school but coaching is a whole different thing! I give Richard serious props it's no joke multitasking players , fixing mistakes, managing the teams momentum, and subbing players. We lost the game by four! I took it in stride, we played our best!
Thanks to my in laws for watching and taking the boys to Cooper's game. His team lost 18-0!! I've seriously considered trying a new sport with Cooper.
We went to CiCi's for pizza and games after our busy morning. We ended our night at the drive-in watching Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. It was a wonderful end to the day!!
Girls lunch
Sunday, October 19, 2014
School pumpkin
The kids school has an annual pumpkin decorating contest at their fall festival. Each class room and each student are encouraged to decorate and enter their pumpkin. Since I am Allison's class room mom the task fell on me. Allison's teacher wanted to decorate the pumpkin during her science time, and ask to incorporate science into the decorating. I was stumped!!! After in listing help for ideas, I submitted two different ideas to the teacher to have the kids to choose from. They decided to go with making a concert pumpkin. I searching for all the supplies and had to come up with an plan for all twenty kids participate. Once I was in the class I departed the kids into four groups at each station. One station the kids had to measure and pour concrete into a large container. Next station we had to figure out how much water to concrete ratio we need, and ensure and pour water. The third station we mixed, and finally the last station we poured the concrete into the plastic pumpkin. I'm bummed I didn't take any pictures of us making it. Richard was able to go with me, I couldn't carry a 60 pound bag of concert. It was such a fun project!!
Friday, October 17, 2014
I had some church activities occupy a few hours Saturday. Super Saturday crafts, and assigning the seating arrangement for the primary program.
Richard had volunteered for Chevrons annual fall festival in Odessa. We went there for a few hours. So many awesome things at the festival; ziplineing, two hot air balloons, rock walls, jumpers, and carnival games.
We ended the night at a church dinner function. I cooked two dozen corn on the cob and two apple pies.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Date night
It's been a few months since we've managed a official date night. We switched our entire Friday schedule around so we could go on a date night. A big thank you to my in laws for watching the kids at our house. I cooked the kids dinner and made cookies and Richard and I were off!!! We went to dinner and a movie! It was so nice to eat alone. I could have just been silent the whole time during dinner. It was nice to actual get dressed and drive in a empty car. It's also been several months since we've been to a move, usually we go to the drive in. I enjoyed every second with my sweet hubby. He is my everything!! The guy does dishes, bath time, homework, babysits, and mops/sweeps! I had this crazy idea on how to decorate Allison class pumpkin and he entertains my thoughts and helps with my creations. He puts up with my constant over thinking thoughts, and my sometimes over emotional attitude. I very much enjoyed our date, gone our the days of just the two of us! We've been parents for almost a decade! I am so glad to have Richard as my partner on this crazy journey called life!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Catch up
Life has been busy so much so I've been slacking on the blog. I thought I would try to catch up quickly with random happenings from the last two weeks.
* I think we drink, sleep, and eat soccer. Between the two kids soccer practice and games they occupy our entire week.
* Allison is still taking piano lessons. She's progressing beautiful. Allison has a recital in a couple of weeks.
* All three kids had there six month dental visits. Of course I couldn't schedule them on the same days or times.
* Both boys had strep and ear infections. That kept Cooper home a few days from school. I caught what the boys had and Allison started us all off with the sickness.
* I visit the kids once a week for lunch. I bring them a donut. I try to fit this into my week. Beckett has a hard time sitting still.
* We decorated the house for fall. Ordered Halloween costumes.
* I've worked on and hand made a few baby shower gifts.
* Went to both kids parent teacher conferences. Everything heard was exactly what I expected.
* The kid made it through the first six weeks of school. Both kids actually made almost all A's one B!
* Gearing up for the schools fall festival. Just dropped a ton of supplies off today.
* Volunteered in Allison's class to decorate their class pumpkin for the festival.
* Preparing for the primary program. It's our churches children's program, which is held once a year. The program consist of the lessons and songs learned over the year. I've written the script, filled in the songs, and made sitting arrangements.
* Took away Beckett's sippy cup a few weeks ago. Almost time to potty train.
* I plan a weekly play date with some of our mommy friends at the park or my house.
Week nights are busy absolutely no spare time weekends tend to be worse. I am so thankful for Richard who is my anchor. I typical love to be busy. I can't imagine what life will be like when Beckett gets into soccer. I find it vital to make time for myself and time for Richard and I as a couple. I truly lovey life.
Friday, October 10, 2014
St. Ann's fair
Most everyone knows Richard and I had our first date at the Saint Ann's fair. It was our fifteen year anniversary, and it has become a yearly tradition in our lil family. We rarely get pictures of our selves its normal of the children. Some of my favorite pictures of the kids with Richard's parents come from the fair. This year we managed to get Allison to take our picture. Both big kids could ride almost every ride. Beckett had to be accompanied. Beckett and I spent our time at the Saint Ann's side. Both the big kids ran into friends and Richard followed them around as they rode every ride. We ate, explored, saw friends, and rode rides tell it was dark! Another successful year spent at the fair!!
Soccer Saturday
The kids both had games this past Saturday. Allison's game was up first. She scored 9 goals but one didn't count some bad call. We won 10-0!!! Most family and friends know Allison practices with two teams. She plays for our cities rec team and practices on a club team. There games are on Sunday in Lubbock, there are several reasons we aren't able to make those games number one bring church. Anyway Allison coach practically begged us to allow her to play Sunday. We did not. Allison skill level as improved and she's an excellent soccer player.
Richard had to coach Cooper's game because his coach was out of town. It was a normal game for our boys. We lost, but one of the boys on the team scored the first goal of the season. Only one month of games left, half way there!!
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