Thursday, September 17, 2015


Allison had two games in Amarillo last weekend.  We decided to stay the night.  We loaded up the car and stopped in Lubbock for lunch on our way to Amarillo.  Richards parents came to.  We enjoyed hanging out with the them and we appreciated there extra hands to help hold Camden.  We even meet up with our niece in Lubbock for dinner during our travels!  The boys most enjoyed swimming at the hotel and playing at this epic park by the fields.  Allison loved roaming the hotel with her girlfriends!  She is getting so big and more independent.  The weather was enjoyable and Camden was a little angel!  We lost the first game 2-1 and won the last game 3-1!  Allison scored the first goal of the games.  It's such a huge difference playing soccer with more experienced players.  This was technically our first game playing together as a whole team.  I think we did awesome and I am excited to get to know the team better.  Soccer season has officially begun!

1 comment:

  1. Stacey it makes me so excited for you to see Allison grow up and want to venture in life, but makes me so sad that she is already there in her life. UGH but sn how fun!
