Monday, September 7, 2015

Beckett goes to preschool

Beckett Paul had his first day of 3 yr old preschool this past Monday.  We were worried it wouldn't happen.  They were having difficulties securing a teacher and Beckett was not officially potty trained.  But it all fell into place.  He goes from 9-12 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  The first day of school he seemed very nonchalant about it.  Not excited or upset.  He left happily and was excited to see me when I picked him up.  Richard and I took him to lunch and then fell asleep for a few hours on the couch.  Wednesday was a little different he repeatedly told me he didn't like school and wanted to stay home with me.  It was a tough drop off but minutes later I got a text and picture from the director that he was happy and playing.  He was happy as normal when I picked him up.  Friday was show and tell and Beckett was anxious to go.  I didn't even get a hug good bye just a wave.  I've never sent any of my kids to school before 4, but Beckett seemed like he need the social and mental development.  I keep telling myself it's only 3 days a week for 3 hours.

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