Monday, December 28, 2015

5 months old

Mr Camden Cole turned 5 months old on the 10th of December.  It's been an exciting month of changes.  He has been using his hands to move things towards him and has complete control of his grasp.  He is the calmest little guy and so content.  I swear he gets the least of my attention because he is so quiet.  Cam was hit with a pretty bad cold and was very congested we were in and out of the doctors office.  He wasn't really fussy I just was so concerned about his breathing!  I held on to him and gave extra hugs and we snuggled a lot!  Camden is moving all over, no crawling but he manages to roll and backwards scooch around.  I find him under the couch or a completely different place them where I left him. Also he had been drooling a ton and one day he grabbed my finger to suck on and I found two bottom teeth!!  Every where I go he attracts so much attention.  I don't know if it's because I wear him everywhere or what.  But people always grabbing his checks and toes!  His blues eyes melt my heart and even though my days are busy my heart is so full!  I can't wait to see what life has in store for my Cam Cam!