Monday, June 29, 2015

Beckett talks about baby

Beckett has been pretty fascinated with my pregnancy.  He likes talking to the baby not through my shirt but insist on lifting my shirt to speak.  Beckett also points out my belly button and the beauty mark I have on my tummy.  He kisses and lays his head down on my belly.  Beckett ask if the baby wants juice or wants to watch a movie.  He also tells me that he wants to hold the baby.  Beckett also tells me the baby is in his belly.  As my belly has grown and my belly button now pokes out he thinks its strange and some times says its yucky.  Beckett has gone to most of my appointments and after the first sonogram he told me that the baby is swimming in water in my belly.  As I have been making all the baby bedding Beckett has been right by my side and constantly tells me the blanket is for his baby brother.  I am very curious to see the transition for Beckett from pregnancy to actual having the baby here in our home.  Beckett is a total mommies boy and is not as care free as Cooper.  I use to jokingly say that Cooper didn't realize Beckett was around until he started walking.  But it was a pretty true statement.  Cooper never seemed to mind Beckett or notice his existence.  I don't think that will happen in Beckett's case with the new baby.  Hopefully everyone will make it through the newborn transition happily.  Richard and I have done this before and have a plan to keep everyone fairly happy.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

38 weeks

I had my doctor appointment on Wednesday.  Blood pressure and heart rate both good.  Doctor did an ultrasound to check on baby and make sure my placenta was intact after my little accident.  Everything thing looked good.  He also did a cervical check, I was dialed to 3.  As long as I am not having constant contractions my labor won't progress.  So if my water doesn't break and my contractions don't become more regular I get to sit tight until my induction, another whole two weeks!!!!!!  Two days after my due date.  I think if my legs weren't scrapped up so bad I wouldn't be so miserable.  I am literally in pain all day.  I just want my legs healed and of course I want my baby in my arms.  Looks like neither will happen yet.  Beckett snapped a bunch of pictures at the pool the other day, he loves taking pictures of me for some reason. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Father's Day 2015

This past weekend was abnormal.  Since I was unable to move around Richard was on his feet taking care of me and occupying the kids.  Friday a few hours after being released from the hospital Richard took the kids to the drive-in to see the new Inside Out movie.  It was nice to have a quiet house and the kids got to get out of the house.  Saturday Allison had a soccer game early.  Richard took Cooper out before the game to pick up donuts.  After the game he went to the store and the took the kids swimming.  Sunday we laid low and had Richard's parents and our niece and her family came over for BBQ to celebrate father's day.  I am so thankful for Richard not only is he an awesome husband but a fantastic dad!  I never could have predict what a great father he would be.  He has a special relationship with each of our kids and parents with such a hands on approach.  Happy Father's Day Richard you are so loved!


I had taken the boys to t&t for donuts.  We were crossings the street when a suv came speeding through did not see us.  Beckett was slightly ahead and Cooper already at the door.  I couldn't walk fast enough, I literally dived to get Beckett and I out of the cars way.  Beckett didn't have a scratch on him but I scrapped up both legs, feet, and hands.  Plus I landed on my belly.  The women rolled down her window and shouted that she didn't see us and was I okay.  I hollered back that I was not okay.  Another patron in the parking lot helped me up as the women who nearly hit me pulled up and then began to drive away.  The women who helped me was able to grabbed the licenses plate number and then she called the police.  We went inside t&t and waited for the police.  The women who helped me bought the boys donuts and chocolate milk.  After giving my report and getting a police incident number I was evaluated at the hospital all Friday.  Baby is doing okay, he past heart rate checks, and stress evaluations.  It looks like he plans to stay put tell his due date, two more weeks.  I did a number on my knees, gashes on my legs/feet, and can hardly walk but hopefully will heal soon.  Honestly it could've been a lot worse.  I was way more concerned about my Beckett initially.  Thankful to my in laws for taking care of the boys, feeding them, and entertaining them while I was at the hospital.  And our church family for feeding and checking in us.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A visit from our NM friends

Our friends from Hobbs drove to Midland for the day last week.  It's been awhile since we've seen them, probably right before the holidays.  We took them to lunch at Palio's and the kids ate good!  Then we tried to go to the new water park that opened up a couple of weeks ago.  It was so disappointing to find out they were way beyond capacity and over an hour wait.  So we hit up another pool instead and still had a ton of fun!  Alli and Cooper are the exact ages of the S family youngest kiddos.  I rarely saw Allison and K, they went to the slide and off the diving board.  Cooper and Miss L were just tall enough to go down the slide and I lost track of how many times they went down.  Beckett couldn't make up his mind between the pool and the water play area.  It was a full day spent with friends!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Cooper's football

We signed Cooper up for flag football this summer.  Hoping to find a sport he could relate to more than soccer.  It's definitely been worth our time.  He has two games a week and two practices a week for the entire month of June.  The last two games Cooper has scored touchdowns and grabbed flags.  But his favorite thing is the block!  I knew he would like blocking because he loves to wrestle.  Cooper is so into playing and enthusiastic about coming to practice and games.  It makes me happy to see him excited about a sport. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

37 weeks

I had my doctors appointment yesterday normal as usual.  I had to do the strep b, results next week.  I've never had it with the other three.  I lost two pounds although you couldn't tell!  Blood pressure and heart beat normal.  He made sure baby was head down and he is.  I see the doctor in a week.

This past week was hard.  With my nephew in town I spent a lot of extra energy keeping everyone occupied, feed, and cleaning.  By the end of the day I didn't have much energy left, I stil have been walking everyday but I officially waddle and I am slow!  It's hard for me to imagine that I still have a few weeks to go, I feel ready.  I am emotional and irrational sometimes.  Maybe I should pack my bags that might make me feel better.  A few days where I've over done it I've had some pretty intense contractions and serious ligament pain under my belly.  Nothing last for to long and only occurring in the middle of the night.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Baby Shower

A sweet friend from church threw me a small baby shower.  She has a pool and invited a few of our friends for a diaper/wipe shower.  The kids were occupied swimming while the adults got to chat!  We got to eat some yummy snacks and relax!  It was the perfect baby shower.  I even had a friend drop off some wipes and diapers the next day and a few people brought me diapers at church, this picture doesn't have the extra items.  I am glad to start off with a nice stash of diapers and wipes for Camden!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Cousin visit

My nephew Zach came to spend this past week with us.  He will be 9 in a few days and he gets along really well with Cooper.  Although they some times fight like brothers.  We had a very busy week!  We went swimming three days in a row!  I took all the kids to chucky cheese for lunch one day and to chickfila another day.  Cooper had two football games and Allison had soccer practice one night.  We made cupcakes and homemade pizza.  They stayed up late, made a ton of messes, and played video games.  Cooper and Beckett are already missing Zach.  I am glad they only live two hours away and we get to see them often.  

Monday, June 8, 2015


My favorite part of the summer so far is not having to wake up at 6am, everyone is sleeping in past 8am.  We decided to get a pool membership this summer, with having no summer plans we figured the cost would be worth it.  We've gone several times, I think I might have to put a limit to no back to back swimming days.  We've meet up with friends every time we go.  Cooper's had football practice, two games, and pictures.  Allison had a scrimmage with her elite team one night.  I had a church meeting that I had lug everybody to.  Allison got invited to the Big Spring water park and stayed with her friend for hours.  She also got invited to go swimming with another friend and went to the Sockers game too.  We've had a busy week that's for sure, I don't see it slowing down.  We have several activities available to us during the week.  The petroleum museums has a weekly camp.  The children's museum has daily activities.  Our church has biweekly activities.  It's a matter of choosing what we are up for each week.  I am glad we have so many options, but I can already tell are schedule is pretty full!  I am really enjoying the extra time with my kids!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

35 weeks

Friday I had my doctors appointment, quick and easy visit.  Normal heartbeat, measuring right on, and no swelling.  Back in two weeks and then weekly visits. 

Still no slowing down yet for me.  I feel like my days have been so full since Allison's birthday.  There literally hasn't been a slow day!  I worry the kids won't now what to do if we had a non planned day.  It's not like I've purposely planned jam packed days believe me that's not what I want.  I feel huge and it's almost like a out of body experience because I don't feel like myself.  It's a real toss up to me about which apart of pregnancy is worse the very end or the very beginning.  I start off so sick its unenjoyable/unlivable.  In the end it's just so uncomfortable.  I have trouble getting up from sitting and laying, my stamina is so low.  I can't stand for long I can't sit for long.  It hasn't reached that I am so over it phase yet, but I know it's around the corner. Walking at night now that schools out.  I am definitely nesting, we cleaned out the garage yesterday, took us a few hours.  When we moved in to our house Richard had to work in NM for two more weeks.  The move-in all happened between school starting, new soccer season, a new job, and Richard starting college again.  We literally through everything in the garage and there it has stayed.  I am a pack rat so I keep everything, we've been married almost 13 years.  I am happy to say we got it down to three tubes in the garage, opposed to 18!  Tomorrow we conquer the back yard storage and cleaning out our overflowing playroom!  I hit a snag with the baby bedding, ran out of fabric hopefully the last pattern I need I'll find online or my sister can get it in Florida.

Friday, June 5, 2015

School's out!

I am relived school is over!  I know both the kids have been dragging these last few weeks.  Our clothes, shoes, lunch boxes, and back packs were barely functioning.  I was so over waking up at 6am, making lunches, and dropping/picking up etc.  This pregnant mama needs a break!  The kids had a great school year and we were super blessed to have excellent teachers.  Allison really exceled this year, last year she had a lot of catching up to do from living in New Mexico.  But this year was so much easier on her, I mean the content of work was difficult but she wasn't playing catch up.  Allison made a few new friends and most of all enjoyed having a locker.  Cant believe next year she will be in 5th grade!  My Cooper had a very tough year, I am not sure if the transition from kinder to first never clicked with him.  Behavior wise he struggled and therefore his work struggled.  We spent a lot of time catching up to his peers but he did work hard.  We were lucky to pass on grade level!  I have seen some maturity on his part but not enough!  I have a pretty strict summer schedule set for him as far as curriculum goes.  Cooper's care free attitude gets him in trouble, I hope we can continue to improve these next few months.  I am definitely hopeful 2nd grade will be a new start with a great attitude towards learning.  Having said all this, Cooper is loved by everyone!   He is the class clown, helpful, and always smiling.  We are ready for the summer!!