Friday, January 31, 2014

Time out and other things..

At Beckett's 18 month check up his pediatrician suggested time out for his little tantrums.  We always used the rocking chair as the time out chair for our older two kids.  One day Richard was getting on to Beckett for throwing at fit and he deiced to but him in the corner of our playroom by the piano and that spot has become our time out area for Beckett.  When Beckett gets in trouble we tell him to go to time out and he runs crying to the area.  He doesn't stay long, its mainly just for him to chill out and try again.

A couple of weeks ago while the kids had a play date over at the house the movie Monsters Inc was playing on the TV.  Beckett stop died in his tracks and watched completely memorized for at least 15 minutes.  Which is a big deal because he has no interest in TV whatsoever.  One day while we were on our daily three miles walk Beckett was particularly fussy.  I forgot his diaper bag and had no snacks, drinks, or toys.  It was so cold I didn't want to pack him and the stroller back up and go home to get it so I figured we would try to walk with out our things.  Well Beckett made it for about half an hour and was not happy!  So I decided to find Monsters Inc on youtube on my phone.  All I could find was some 14 minute portion in French.  Well I guess Beckett didn't mind, the kid watched the whole thing!  I jokingly told Richard that Beckett will learn French before he learns English because he now loves to have my phone to watch Monsters Inc.

Early this week I set up an appointment for Beckett to meet with a speech therapist.  I am worried with his lack of verbal communication.  He has a very small word base: mom, dad, Allie, door, cheese, nana, oh oh, no, yay.  The other thing I worry about is that he has no interest in repeating words we tell him.  He also doesn't self babble or make many sounds on his own.  On the flip side Beckett totally understands everything we tell him, even complex commands he can follow through.  We can ask him questioning in books for example like asking him to point to the dog or cup.  He just refuses to speak.  Beckett will communicate with us by gesturing, or grunting, and pointing.  Our appointment is in two weeks so I am anxious to get some thoughts about Beckett's progress.  They had concerns with Beckett's breathing issues and reflux saying it might have caused a slight delay in speech.  Beckett had a very hard time with baby foods and drinking from a sippy cup.  He associated anything with his throat like food and drink as negative because it was painful.  We knew because of his reflux it would intentionally cause him pain at first.  It was such a struggle to get him to eat and know to talk.  I just hope we can learn some tools to help him better communicate.

Besides Beckett's speech issues he is a totally normal toddler.  I jokingly tell Richard that Mr. Destructor is back (AKA Cooper James old nick name) .  Beckett is totally into destroying and making messes.  He gets into draws and cabinets, he opens doors, gets into his siblings rooms.  He has done this for a while but know he just makes a huge mess!   He will help me with laundry and just throw clothes every where!  Last week Beckett got into the toothpaste and thought it was gel and fixed his hair!  That stinker is always getting into things.  I was surprised how hard it was to get out of his hair!  Beckett has also learned to buckle and unbuckle his car seat and stroller buckles.  He has become very independent wanting to do a lot of things himself.  OH THIS STAGE DRIVES ME CRAZY!  He doesn't want to hold my hand or help him in any way.

Oh the joys of toddlerhood.  Some days I feel like he is still my little baby and other days I think when did he get big enough to do this or that!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wedding reception, playdate, and birthday party

The weekends are designed for activities!  This weekend was a very busy one for us!  Our friends in Hobbs got married over Christmas in Utah and had an open house (reception) this past weekend.  I felt awful when I missed my friend's bridal shower I couldn't miss this!  So we drove to Hobbs as soon as the kids got out of school Friday.  We made it in time to have an early dinner with our friends the Poling's.  After dinner we meet up with our old neighbors and let the kids play.  Then we dropped off the big kids at our friends the S's for a play date while we went with Beckett to the open house.  Time sure did fly by while we visited and chatted with our Hobbs friends.  After the open house we picked up the big kids and stayed for another hour or more chatting with our friends and then we were back on the road pulling into Midland right before midnight!  I was so bummed that my phone died and I took no pictures the whole time we were there! I did get one picture that the bride (she's in the purple) sent me but it was blurry.

Saturday was a easy going day.  Cooper was invited to a play date with his friend Luke who lives down the street from us.  Cooper had a blast playing with army men, power rangers, and digging holes in Luke's back yard.  A few hours later Allison was invited for a play date at her friends Samantha's who plays on her soccer team.  We ended our day at Beckett's friend Bowen's 2nd birthday party at the Bingham center.  Allison missed the birthday party while she played and ate dinner at Samantha's house.  It was so fun listening to all the fun Allison had there: painting nails, roasting marshmallows/hot dogs, playing with dolls, and coloring with glow in the dark chalk.  It was a full day with friends!!  I feel so blessed that my kiddos get to grow up surround by such great friends!!


I ran across this article the other day and had to share.
It was a year ago this very evening (almost to the hour) I received a call from Mitch who was in bed for the night. I was in my basement office when he called from the home phone to tell me his heart felt strange. Immediately I dropped what I was doing and ran to my son. When I first laid eyes on him I saw nothingness in his face. Upon seeing him I quickly scooped him in my...
arms as he came to. I remember thinking to myself, “[Please] … not like this. I’m not done with you, little buddy.” It was then that I felt the heavy, cold breeze from the abyss that was inching to devour my son. I could almost feel the ground from under him crumbling and it was then I sensed the true depths and darkness that was lapping at my son’s feet. Death was coming and I didn't know how to stop it. Within a week I would come to realize that death wasn't at our door but in our home lying in wait.

I stayed with Mitch a while to reassure him and to let him know I loved him. I tucked him in nice and snug, kissed his face and took this photo of his sweet smile. We talked about his Minecraft base and other things on his mind. He knew I was recording our conversation and he gave me a sneaky smile. He was as perceptive as he was innocent and sweet. I knelt by his bed and ran my fingers through his hair and said, “Son, people spend their lives in search of treasures. They go to the ends of the earth; they sometimes kill each other or themselves in search of it. They drain oceans and level forests in search of treasures … treasures that don’t last. But I have the world’s greatest treasure … and that is my family. You, son, are one of my greatest treasures. I want you to know how much I love and treasure you.” He smiled and snuggled his head deep in his pillow and drifted to sleep. I miss him. 
 Why do we wait for someone to die before we eulogize them? Why do we withhold words of affection, commendation and admiration as if they were scarce commodities? Sometimes, at funerals, the nice things we have to say are said too late. And I get the sense, that for whatever reason, some people die a little inside each day – and a loving observation or a word of encouragement can be just what someone needs to breathe new life into their life. It’s been my experience that as long as I’m truthful and sincere with others, telling them what good I think of them never gets old and is always appreciated.

I said nothing at my son’s funeral that he didn't hear a million times from me. I didn't want him to go a day without a sure knowledge he was loved and treasured. And I hope that whatever thoughts crossed his mind as he was slipping from this world into the next that he knew how much he was loved and treasured by his mom and dad. I hope my son had a sure knowledge I could search the seas, the mountains and trees and never again find a treasure quite like him.
I loved these words that this mother wrote about her son.  In my home my children know what treasure's are.  Allison calls her lamb a treasure and Cooper calls his blanket and shark his treasures.  I think that we live in such a negative world its so important to praise our children and speak positive about them.  I am beyond thankful for my rowdy crew and my treasures on this this earth my family.  Today my kiddos were getting along extra well and being extra helpful to each other.  I love days like this when time seems to slow down just enough to enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Date night, drive in, and Monday playday!

Some times you need a lazy weekend to recharge.  Richard and I started our weekend with a date night Friday, thanks to my in laws for watching the kids.  Dinner, dessert, and a movie date!  Five hours with no kids was a wonderful time with just my sweetheart.  We went to Osaka's for dinner, to Palio's for cannolis, and then to Cinergy (Richard won movie tickets on the radio) to watch Jack Ryan.

The rest of the weekend was pretty laid back.  Beckett unexpectedly woke up at 2 am with a low grade fever and vomited once.  Beckett acted sluggish and vomit one more time in the morning then after a 4 hour nap he was completely better.  Saturday I had a church training meeting, Richard stayed with the kids.  Most of the day the kids played outside. Later that night I stayed home with a sleeping Beckett while Richard took the big kids to the drive in to see the Nut Job.  A daddy date night with popcorn, coke, and candy while watching a movie at the drive in.    Sunday was filled with church, naps, and movies/video games.

 Monday was a holiday MLK.  Allison and I started off the day together.  We went grocery shopping, for a walk, and to get our nails done.  Love spending time with my daughter!  Alli and I swung by to pick up the boys.  We all went out to lunch, to the park, and to the duck pond.  Cooper and I went shoe shopping, my lil guys feet grew two sizes!  It was a fabulous day spent together as a family.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mr Personality

I like to call my Cooper James Mr. Personality!  He is a very friendly kid, to adults or to children.  When I see him at lunch time all the kids scream Cooper its your mom or when I pick him up from school everyone is hugging him good bye or calling his name.  Where ever we go Cooper makes friends.  Cooper is totally the class clown, but he is surprisingly smart.  He tested on gym level at school, and he is on the highest reading level in his class.  Cooper goes to gym once a week and he goes to first grade twice a week for there centers time.  I was so worried about holding my Cooper back this year since his birthday is very late in the summer, in fact he is the youngest kid in his class and one of the youngest in the entire kindergarten.  But this summer Cooper surprised me by picking up reading.  In fact he loves to learn and tells me how much he loves school.  Cooper shares his easy going personality from his father and is a very carefree child.  This certain carefree/friendly attitude gets him in to trouble at school.  He loves to talk and make people laugh.  His maturity level isn't quite there with the other kids, but he makes up for that in brains.  Or as his teacher likes to say "His blue eyes get him out of trouble A LOT!" His teacher Miss M tells me is so hard to discipline Cooper because he is just to darn cute and funny!   Cooper sometimes ask me the craziest thought provoking things.

If I kept digging will I make it to the ocean.

If I walked to Tokyo how long would that take me.

I can hear my own heart prints sometimes (hear beat)

If God create us, then who created God

I never want to be hurt and have to ride on an ailenance (ambulance) I just want to go for a regular ride.

Do you think a cloud is soft or is it wet because is holds all the rain.

I kept a note section on my phone just for Cooper and the silly things he says.  In two weeks it will be Cooper James half birthday.  I love that blue eyed boy so much!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Harper Grace Arrived!

Monday afternoon at 3:50pm Harper Grace Lujan was born, weighing 5lbs 5oz and 17 inch.  I cant believe my nephew is a daddy and this little girls birth makes her our first Great Niece.  It was such a blessed day for our family, everyone one was so excited for her arrival.  I knew one day Richard's family would grow with marriages and babies, I cant believe its already happening.  I anxiously waited for news through out the day and was over joyed when I heard of her arrival. 

We finally were able to go visit Miss Harper yesterday evening.  She is the tiniest baby I have ever seen, her tiny features are precious and her lil noises are heavenly.  We haven't had a girl born on Richard's side since Allison was born nearly 9 years ago.  Miss Harper weighs nothing, holding her was wonderful I couldn't take my eyes off her!  I didn't get to hold her for long, Richard loves holding newborns. The new parents were so proud of there new bundle.  After we left the hospital we were on a high and talked about little Harper for a while.  Allison kept saying how tiny Harper was and how she was as little as one of her dolls and then Allison said she wants a sister, to bad that's not happening lol!  Cooper didn't say much besides saying that "Alex's is like a dad know, right."  "And does Alex have to sleep at the hospital forever, I hope not its kinda boring in there."  We left a sleeping Beckett with Richard's parents.  It feels like the past 9 months went fast, I still cant believe Harper Grave is here, so blessed to get to watch her grow up!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Busy weekend


Friday we weren't invited to our friends house for game night.  There were three couples and a total of 9 kids.  Our friends the P's were fabulous host, with a ton of yummy snacks and some interesting games to play.  All the kids got along great because there were three kiddos Cooper's age, two girls Allison's age, and a sweet three month old baby.  Beckett pretty much just tagged along with Cooper the whole night.  The kids had so much fun we never heard a peep from them!  We enjoyed chatting/eating, playing games, and watching Napoleon Dynamite.

Richard worked this weekend but that didn't stop me from taking all three kiddos to Richard's God parents 50th wedding anniversary celebration.  Its was a beautiful re-commitment mass followed by a family gathering.  I most enjoyed the Mariachi band that played through out the party.  I have a special place in my heart for Mariachi music.  My Aunt Ruthie loved Spanish music, she always sang to us in Spanish.  Every year on our birthday she would call us and sing happy birthday to us, such a special memory I will never forget.  My kiddos love music and Beckett was jamming out and so was Cooper.  Cooper was showing off his colorful personality while hanging out with his Aunt and cousin.  The kids were happy to eat cookies/cake and loved the punch.  I managed to stay for a little over two hours.  Considering the quiet atmosphere Beckett behaved fairly well, and I am so glad we were able to go.

Allison was invited to a birthday party "A Late Over" Saturday night for one of her friends.  Instead of a sleep over a late over.  Allison was so exited, the party invite listed to wear pj's and of course she was all over that.  While Allison was at her party we took the boys to chickfila.  Cooper always makes instant friends, thanks to his friendly personality.  Beckett wore himself our playing!  Later on that night I picked up Allison and she talked my ear off all the way home.  They made wooden dolls, ate snacks, played 2014 dance dance, ate a ton of food, and watched movies.

On Sunday we had a special dinner guest.  Eleven years ago my sister Courtney dated a young man for a few years, during that time Richard and J became very close.  Brothers from another mother they claim.  Even though Courtney and J didn't end up together, through the years J and Richard kept in contact.  J has been in the Marines for ten years and stationed in various place.  But every once in a while he would come back to Midland to visit his parents and sisters.  J happened to be in town when both Allison and Cooper were born and at other special times too.  We were so excited to visit and catch up with J.  He has officially retired from the Marines with an honorable discharge and has been back a week.  When we were all together it felt like no time had passed, I am thankful for our special friendship!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Randomness from this week

* School started Monday.  I am back to waking up early, making lunches, wash uniforms, homework, early bed times etc.  We've been on time and the transition seem to have been easy for the kids.

* I've been baking this week cookies, cake, and cupcakes.  My family has a sweet tooth!

* Sunday night when all the kids were in bed Richard and I put up all the Christmas stuff.  It took us a while but its done.  My house looks bare.  I am thinking about decorating for Valentines day.

* When did Beckett get old enough to play unassisted at Chickfila?

* I've got the January blues, can we just skip to spring break?!  I want spring!  I crave the sun!

* Phone calls to my sister Courtney are priceless, its crazy how we can talk about random things or everyday life stuff.  But some times we have these deep conversations, I am so lucky to be able to share those talks with someone so special to me.

* Allison received her first issue of the American Doll magazine for the year.  She is already saving for the new doll of the year.

* Beckett had his 18 month check up yesterday! He hasn't gained any weight since his year check up actually he lost 10 oz..  Dr. S thinks Beckett is finally thinning out and is actually average in weight, weighing 24 pounds.  He is 34 inches tall which falls in the 87th percentile and his head is still so large in 97 percentile!  Beckett also has a cold, at least its not anything worse.  His doctor was pleased with his development.  Dr. S actually said the little fits Beckett is throwing is advanced.  He has already learned what will catch mommies attention!  Beckett was so calm and allowed the doctor to completely look him over with out fussing. 

* Cooper was surprisingly good at school all week.  Maybe the little guy finally understanding how school works.  I had lunch with the kids today.  When I walked into the cafeteria all the kids were screaming to Cooper that his mom was here.  Even Allison's friends know me and give me hugs.  I like being known as just a mom of one of my kids.

*My sister came for a quick visit.  Long story short she sold her husbands car to someone in Midland, so she stayed the night with us yesterday.  Since she happened to be in town and was planning on visiting my mom this weekend she took our old table with her to my moms.  We enjoyed there visit, ate good food stayed up to late.  The cousins all had a good time to.  The big boys stayed up past bedtime and the babies played really well together!  Beckett was so enamored by Marcus.  He followed him around and brought him toys.  He even wanted to hold him.

Monday, January 6, 2014

18 months old!

Today my Beckett boy is 18 months old!  I feel like the months have just flown by.  He has grown much faster than my other two kids, maybe its because I have more children and I am busier.  I can so easily remember his newborn stages and late night feedings.  The days of cuddling and rocking my baby in the middle of the night are long gone.  He is a walking, talking, and tantrum throwing toddler.  These days I have to be really patient and remind myself this stage doesn't last forever.  There are a few moments when my lil guy will be sweet and loving.  Everyday I get him out of the stroller after our morning walk he pats my back.  Times when I am overly frustrated Beckett will want to give me a kiss or a hug.

Taking away Beckett's pacifier has made him a little more needy, I think he has replaced his pacifier with me!  He wants mommy all the time, if he cant see me he freaks!  He wants to sit next to me, and be held in my arms at all times.  But I think this little phase happened because Beckett caught a bad cold this winter break and was feeling extra needy.  A funny thing Beckett does is hides things.  I have been looking for Mary from our children's nativity set since the first of December.  The day we pulled it out Beckett ran off with it and it disappeared.  Well I finally found Beckett's secret spot, in Cooper's closet!  He hide fruit snacks, Mary, all his socks, and three empty sunny dee bottles! 

Beckett still takes two two hour naps a day, thank goodness for mommy because I need that break!  He loves cheese, fruit snacks, and any type of fruit.  Beckett loves bananas!!  I literally buy bananas twice a week.  Every morning Beckett wakes up and will ask for a nana.  Beckett still doesn't talk very much, with the pacifier gone hopefully his speech will improve.  Although Beckett will grab my hand and take me where he wants something and ask me to hold him and then point to what he wants!  I love this little boy so very much some times he might push my patience but I cant even begin to imagine my life with out him.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Boys boys boys

A few weeks ago I had to keep Cooper home from school another ear infection on top of an sinus infection.  Even though he was pretty sick he was acting himself.  After watching movies, eating snacks, and playing video games Cooper was begging me to pick up Allison from school because he was bored.  I did enjoy having Cooper here, Beckett was attached to him the whole day following him everywhere.  Seeing my boys sit on the couch together, eating lunch, or playing with there toys it warms my heart.  I never grew up with neighborhood boys, or boy cousins, or had a brother so to see my lil guys interact is such a beautiful thing to witness.  Cant believe Cooper is so grown up and such a good big brother to Beckett.  This Christmas break has been fun to see the boys getting to spend more time together.  Beckett absolutely loves to sit in the jeep while Cooper drives him around.  Beckett will tell me "shw" which means he want me to put his shoes on so he can go outside. Beckett will sit in Cooper's jeep and wait for him to take him on a ride.  Those two have a special bond. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

School break

The kids have been enjoying there Christmas break from school and are already excited for the summer!  I told them they are one school semester down and that they have a whole other semester to complete before summer comes.  I love winter break because its just long enough for the kids to get a good break from school duties and they get to play with there Christmas toys!  The only downer is its usually to cold to enjoy any out door activities, although that hasn't stopped my warm blooded children from bundling up to spend time outside.

This Christmas Allison got a bike and Cooper got a power wheels jeep.  These two presents have been such a hit in the Sanchez house.  There hasn't been a day we haven't gone outside.  Allison has never owned a bike, in fact scooters have been the only wheeled thing she cared about for years.  When Cooper got a bike for his birthday she was set on having a bike too.  It only took her 30 minutes to figure out how to ride a bike with out training wheels.  Cooper of course knows how to handle his jeep and loves driving around the yard.  Beckett is having the time of his life siting back and enjoying a ride from big brother!  We let the kids ride there bikes to the park one day when it was warm and we all spent a few hours play there.

Another Christmas present the kids have enjoyed is the Disney Infinity game.  We bought the kids this game as a combined gift, we also bought them characters to go with this game.  Everyday they have been playing.  Its not to hard the kids don't understand it, but its difficult enough its a challenge.  Total thumbs up on this game, the only thing I noticed is you cant play two player in a characters world unless you have two players from that world.  Meaning you cant play different Disney characters from different worlds.  If that made any sense.. 

The marker maker set was another awesome gift we bought the kids.  They spent two days making there own marker colors.  Everyday the color pages after pages with each other.  We also bought each kid a board game.  The game they play the most is the Headbanz.  Its serious such a fun game to play!  The kids play by them selves and we have played together as a family.  I really want to buy them the Disney version of the game.  Allison also got a Kindle for Christmas, we downloaded a ton of books and third grade reading programs on it.  She loves it!!  We also had a play date at our house this break.  Allison's piano teachers children are the exact same ages as my kiddos.  Allison and her oldest daughter played quietly for hours and then Cooper and the twins where all over the place!

We ended this break by letting the kids pick one special activity.  Allison choose to go roller skating with her friends and Cooper choose to play laser tag with his family.  Lets just say we had a totally blast at each thing.  Allison and I had fun with her girlfriends and there moms skating.  I cant forget to mention Allison was the winner of the limbo!  At the Cinergy complex Allison decided to spend her own money on the air obstacle course.  I cant explain how terrified her face looked while she was up there.  Cooper was taking pictures of Allison and himself while we waited for Allison to finish.  Laser tag was so much fun, we have to go back again!!  We had such a blessed Christmas and a much need break from school etc.  Its time to buckle down and get ready for the second semester of school!