Thursday, September 4, 2014


Life can get so busy.  I personally struggle with finding balance. And not taking so much on that the joy of life gets sucked out.  I think it will be a constant struggle, there are so many seasons of life and things are always changing.  I've said this before it's a busy time in my life my kids are growing and life is keeping us super busy.  This three day weekend definitely helped recharge my batteries. A little one on one time with my husband and time spent with our children.  Friday Richard and I had lunch with the kids at school, and I had a PTA meeting.  Allison had a birthday party Saturday and we spent some family time going out to lunch and renting movies.  The kids both had play dates on Monday. We even had my mother/father in law over for dinner Sunday night, we need to do that more often.  It's so important to reflect and enjoy.  I even started reading again, my news resolution was to fit in some me time each month, I've been slacking..  It's a new month, and another season around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. I cant say enough how envious I am of how well you make sure your kids are happy and do fun things in life! PS I cant wait to hear what your thoughts are on the book!!
