Thursday, September 17, 2015

2 months


Camden turned 2 months old this past Thursday!  He is such a awesome baby.  Camden sleeps a majority of the day and maybe wakes up twice a night.  There have been a few nights he only woke up once.  He is a awesome eater too.  When Camden is awake he is wide awake!  He loves to be talked to and holds his head up so well.  I love hearing the lil sounds he makes, he sure can squeak.  I just love holding him, everything thing around my world just slows down.  My life is running a million miles a minute but this little guy reminds to stop and smell the roses.  I wish I could keep him this little I sure do enjoy the newborn stage.  We had his two month check up on Friday.  He is barely in the 30th percentile of weight, height, and head.  He weighs barely 9 pounds!  A far cry from Beckett's hugeness in the 90th percentiles.  But it's right along the growth of my older two kids.  I think Beckett takes after my grandfather and his 6'4 frame.  All except one of my male cousins are well over 6 feet tall.  I love studying my lil Camden.  Looking at his features and wondering what life will bring him, and what his personality will be.  People often comment on how full my hands must be and I usually just say not as full as my heart! 

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