Friday, January 9, 2015

Number four?!

We found out the day after Halloween, I am PREGNANT!  Baby number four is due the first of July, hopefully a end of June baby if I am lucky.  I always thought I would have four children. Although we never had a family planning talk when we got married.  Honestly I thought we were done when we had Alli.  But life brings you unexpected things.  Your heart changes and you can fell completely different about something you thought you were so sure of.  Anyway hopefully things progress well. I plan to update periodically. 

6 weeks
Feeling pregnant!  I am a normally nauseous person anything can trigger it, emotion, smells, or travel. Also  medicine affects me strongly whither it nocks me out or makes me terribly ill.  Pregnancy usually brings instant sickness.  I am feeling pretty blah with lack of energy.  I feel like I am on the verge of vomit.  It hasn't happened but I suspect it's around the corner.  Each week is another blessing, I pray daily this baby stays and grows.

9 weeks
the last few weeks have been a blur.  I've accomplished the bare minimum and can hardly function.  I've learned if I eat every few hours I don't feel as nauseous. It's pretty similar to my pregnancy with Cooper.  I gained the most weight with him trying to suppress my nausea with food. 

10 weeks
First apt Richard got off work half the day.  Normal as far as appointments go. We had a sonogram done.  Everything looks good, although baby is measuring small so they moved my due date back 6 days.  Which was a disappointment, I guess I need to come to terms with the fact this baby and Beckett's birthdays will be very close!  A new thing offered is a gender test through blood work, and results in up to two weeks.  It's crazy that we could know the gender so soon!  Three July birthdays I would say the odds of another boy are very high!

12 weeks
It's official with the family!  My family has known since thanksgiving. We told Richards side on Christmas Eve.  Did I mention I totally have a bump!  Boy that happened quick!  Still feeling blah, sometimes I have energy though.  It would be nice for my energy level to be more consistent.

13 weeks
I caught Beckett's cold and it is making my nausea worse.  Feeling bigger, bought maternity pants.  There huge, I had to hem them up by several inches, and when I walk they literally fall off!

14 weeks
Had my monthly dr apt.  Brought Beckett, we waited for two hours.  It was a very quick apt once I saw the dr.  He prescribed me a new nausea medicine, take two at night before bed.  I still fell so sick, it's just awful!  I think my house has reached a no coming back to clean zone!  I just don't even feel like myself.  I hate food, what's worse is that I can hardly sleep I get nauseous unless on my back. 

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