Monday, November 30, 2015

Turkey day 2015

Richard took the week off for Thanksgiving.  My sisters were both busy and my mom wasn't up for traveling.  So my sister Courtney and her family drove to Midland on Wednesday and we had a Thanksgiving meal consisting of BBQ.  We started out early cooking and chatting.  I made a brisket and Courtney and her hubby grilled two whole chickens.  The weather was so beautiful and sunny.  With ten kids between us we stayed pretty busy.  Our late lunch was so delicious!  When no one is talking and just eating, you know the food is just that good.  The day went by to fast and lots of memories were made.

On Thanksgiving day we went to my sister in laws.  It was really relaxing not having to cook or clean my house for guest.  The food was great and I enjoyed hanging around family for a few hours.  Its unreal how big our family is and how grown my nieces and nephews are.  Once we got home I got busy taking down fall décor and Richard and Allison got all the Christmas stuff out of the storage.  It is kind of surreal remember last years holiday season and being newly pregnant and feeling awful to this year feeling great and full of energy.  Its crazy how you take advantage of feeling normal until your not.  Anyway so much to be thankful for this year.  I know its cliché but my family is the most important thing to me.  I love my lil family and being a mother.  I feel so blessed to have so much!


  1. I love these, I cant believe how much everyone has grown since then.

  2. I love these, I cant believe how much everyone has grown since then.
