Tuesday, March 31, 2015

26 weeks

This past Friday I had my monthly Doctors visit.  Pretty normal I was in and out in thirty minutes!  Richard was off so he was able to come.  Beckett is pretty use to going now, and is so well behaved.  I am measuring a week bigger, and baby had a healthy heartbeat.  I am starting to get varicose veins in my right leg, but the Doctor isn't concerned and still encouraged me to continue my daily three mile walk.  Walking helps with blood flow.  Ugh more weight gain, it better slow down or I am going to have a hard time losing weight after baby.  At least I know I am eating pretty health, but I feel like I am retaining water.  I come back on the 14th for the glucose test.  My Doctor agreed to have me go straight to the three hour test instead of the one hour test.  I have never passed the first test.  At least I don't have to drink that yuck stuff twice.  So I have to fast over night until after the three hours and I go in straight up 8am.  Hopefully I pass, I am a little worried with the quick weight gain this pregnancy.  Anyway I feeling blah which is normal not to uncomfortable yet.  I had the stomach bug last week boy was that terrible.  I still have a few projects I need to finish before baby gets here, but there's plenty of time still to get these things done.

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