Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hobbs trip

Beckett and I drove into Hobbs for my retainer check appointment with my orthodontist.  My appointment only last twenty minutes, I no longer have to wear my retainer during the day only at night.  Next appointment is in five months.  After my appointment we stayed and visited with the Poling family for a few hours.  I got to hold baby A for a long time she even feel asleep in my arms!  Beckett and S played with cars and colored.  The best part of the day was are girls only lunch, my friends husband watched the kids and we had an adult only lunch!  It was such a fun day!!  I am super thankful my friend D has watched Beckett for each appointment through this whole process of braces.  Having to come back to Hobbs for this past year has been completely worth it.  I love my teeth and I love coming back to visit with friends!

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