Thursday, August 27, 2015

Potty traiing

It feels like I've been potty training Beckett for months.  We started and it didn't go well and then I revisited it and we hit another bump.  Third times the charm right..  We are 3 weeks in!  Beckett has the hang of going number one.  At first we used diapers during naps and at night.  We've gone a week with no diapers and no accidents.  Going number two seems to be more difficult.  At first he would hold it for days and then get constipated.  He has gone by himself a few times but we've had a few accidents too.  Were not perfect at it yet.  At first Beckett was taking all his clothes off.  I teach sitting down first until they have complete control and then I move to standing.  We have moved on to standing up and he has gotten that down!  This was probably a crazy time to potty train but I guess any time would have been hard.  I know it's not convenient but it was so worth it!  Ever since Camden was born I see Beckett with new eyes!  He seems so big to me, of course he is naturally bigger than my first two children.  But he is not my baby anymore, we've hit a new stage as a preschooler. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Beckett! and of course his mommy for getting him thus far!
