Monday, January 11, 2016

6 months old

I love Camden's chunky cheeks and I can't kiss them enough!  He is just so happy and calm and I enjoy him so much.  I feel so blessed to have Camden in our lives.  I know people think I am crazy having 4 kids.  Then I think what my life would be like with out Beckett or Camden and I don't want that life!!!!!  They bring me so much joy and purpose.  Life might be a little hectic but gosh it's so dang worth it.  I have big plans for these little people.  I've never been one to half way do anything!  Whither it's a job, doing laundry, or raising my family I will give 110% of myself. 

"My child is my everything, so I will give anything, and stop at nothing."

Anyway here's a few things for my records of what Camden has been doing.

* Camden starting talking.  He was pretty quiet barely making breathing sounds.  Now he makes all kinds of sounds, his favorite is something similar to dada. 

*Camden is so aware, he knows who I am and wants my attention.  He still smiles and likes everyone.  But I think he recognizes me. 

*I think I mentioned he has two bottom teeth now.  That happens before Xmas. 

*Camden is now grabbing things to go in his mouth.  His tie, the straps in his car seat, and whatever else that's close.  Oh and the cat he like to try to grab the cat.  The cat puts up with it for a little bit and the runs off.

*My in laws bought a walker for Christmas for Cam.  I figured he wouldn't be ready to actually walk in it yet.  He mainly sits and plays with the toys on it.  But he has figured out it moves and takes one or two steps in it or rocks it to move it.

*We had a few problems with sleeping when Camden was sick for so long.  He was waking up a lot at night.  Well we finally got it under control again and he's back to waking up only once.

* The biggest change this month is that Camden is eating baby food.  I forgot how messy and time consuming it is.  Although I love his little face looking at me strange.  And watching him try to grab the spoon.

*Beckett loves Camden!  He tells him good morning every day.  Grabs his little checks and baby talks to him.  I get scolded a lot by Beckett.  I was trying to get Camden's attention while feeding him and I was making loud funny sounds at him.  Beckett told me to speak softly to his brother.  Or when I opened the baby food and it spluttered out on me, I wiped it off with my finger and B told me not to eat his brothers food.

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