Monday, March 21, 2016

8 months

Camden turned 8 months while we were in Fort Worth during spring break.  Why is time flying by so fast!  My little guy is officially crawling everywhere.  And not just to things he wants but to where ever I am.  He is eating mainly baby food with two to three bottles a day and one at night.  Cam takes three naps a day which is wonderful because it allows me to get things done.  Camden is still a super calm baby and will sit down for an hour with just a toy in front of him.  I swear I heard him say mama the other day but no repeat of the word yet.  Cam has become fond of daddy lately, and actually reaches for people.  Camden has starting waving and it sounds like he says hi.  He makes us all smile at any of his accomplishments.  Its such a special thing to have a baby in the house, it brings a special spirit into our home.  There is just something so gentle and understanding about a baby and its needs.  I think people lose patience for toddlers and forget there learning and growing and have bad days just like adults.  I am reminded often through Camden of different stages my other children have gone through.  I can be having a rough day and Camden will look at me with his chubby lil face and lay on my chest and everything disappears.  I truly love him and feel truly lucky to be his mommy!  Happy 8 months to my sweet baby.

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