Tuesday, March 1, 2016

7 months

Camden turned 7 months old on February 10th.  He has grown so much in the last month. 

Camden has turned into the champion of eaters.  My best and fastest baby food eater!

Camden now uses his walker on a whole new level, he walks all over the house.  He likes to follow me into the kitchen and is right under me while I cook or wash dishes.

Camden is still very calm and low matinance.  He doesn't need a whole lot of attention.  Although he doesn't like to be alone, and seems happier around one of his siblings or parents.

Camden has grown out of his six month clothes. 

Camden is still pretty quiet no real words, the only clear one is still dada.

Also Camden can officially sit up without immediately falling over.

He wakes up at least once a night and takes 3 long naps during the day.

The cat loves Camden.  I find the cat sleeping next to where ever Cam is.

I sing this silly song to Camden.  It goes something like "Camy Cam Can"  Ive noticed Beckett calling Camden Camy, Ops!