Monday, May 5, 2014

Letter from mom

I wrote this to Allison yesterday.  This picture is from last Tuesday.  If were able Allison and I have a weekly ice cream date every Tuesday at baskin robins.

You turned 9 today.  Last year when you turned 8 I was ready.  We had been preparing for your baptism for a year. But nine it crept up on me. Your nearly my height, two more lousy inches and we will be the same height. We always knew you would be taller then me, I am the runt of my family.  Why has it happened so fast. I remember when you were hours old and I held you for the first time.  After your labor and weaning off the epidural I was weak.  My arms didn't seem strong enough to hold you.  But you fit perfectly into my arms.  Many times as you slept I would listen to you breath and watch you chest rise and fall. You didn't stay a baby for long.  You crawled, walked, and talked all before the normal milestones.  You came from heaven with a driven spirit.  You accomplish everything you set your mind to.  I hope you know there are no limits, dream big my daughter.  You stole my heart from the minute I first heard yours beat. Many memories were made today.  Happy birthday my Alli-cat I love you more than you could ever comprehend.

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