Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Birthday party

Allison's big party!!  I had invited 20 of her girlfriends and only had 6 rsvp, 18 showed!  It was a huge turn out, my house was full of girls!  We quickly took the party outside!  Allison and I came up with this crazy party idea for a color party!  Allison saw a color run and wanted to recreate it for her party.  I found on Pinterest how to make the color powder cornstarch, water, and gel food coloring.  We made three colors and had to let them dry for three days.  We played a ton of games like freeze tag and decorated bandanas at the party.  Later the girls just went crazy hitting each other, I wish I caught a picture of how colorful everyone was!  We also made lava lamps in glass jars.  Between Richard and I and 18 girls it was a little crazy but super fun to make.  I also made several dozen confetti eggs and we play a few games with those.  Then the girls had a free for all throwing them at everybody.  After all the games we ate pizza and snow cones.  The snow cones were a hit I think we made over 60!  It was such a huge success, I have never slept so good this pregnancy that night.


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