Thursday, May 28, 2015

Girls Weekend!

When I was visiting my mom during spring break my mom told me my sister Jamie was coming for a visit in May for a week.  I mentioned how I wished I could see her, since it's been 18 months since the last time I saw her.  My mom thought it was a brilliant idea and we looked at our schedule and Richard would be off that weekend.  Then the wheels turned and we thought about my other sisters and mentioned to them about a possible girls trip.  It turned out that my sister Courtney couldn't come but my sister Heather could. 

I left to Fort Worth after my doctors appointment Friday and made it in before dinner.  My sister Jamie flew in the night before on Thursday.  When I pulled in I didn't see my moms car, thankful my stepdad was there.  I had to pee, I had seriously considered asking the neighbor.  My mom and sister were at the store and made it back shortly.  I can't tell you how nice it was to chat uninterrupted and eat uninterrupted!  After dinner we even went for a walk!  Catching up with my older sister was fun, I love hearing about her life in California!  We didn't stay up to late chatting because I was exhausted.  I have never driven father than two hours by myself, I don't care for driving.  Plus being pregnant was way uncomfortable driving, but the drive up to Fort Worth flew by thanks to a nice long chat with my sister Courtney.  Up next some of our adventures!

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