Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Saturday Adventures

This past Saturday we had another double header a game at 10 and 3.  Richard was working but took half the day off to make it to the last game.  The first game was awful we played the roughest team in our league.  Poor Allison got knocked off her feet in the first five minutes.  Lucky one of the girls on the team scored a goal off the penalty caused on Allison.  Most teams know she is the lead scorer and they triple team players against her, which causes a lot of fouls sometimes.   Allison tied up the game and we managed that until the end of the second half.  The fouls the other team were causing were extreme.  Allison has nail marks and her hair had been pulled out!  It's sad when you try to win a game like that.  We lost!  The second game went a lot smoother Allison was on fire she scored 4 goals!  We were tied and Allison made a goal from a penalty shot it was so beautiful I screamed and woke up a sleeping Beckett!

After the game we were invited to a birthday party.  A huge water slide it was perfect for the hot day.  The hours went by even Beckett had a blast.  Cooper lost one of his front teeth a few weeks ago but his other front tooth was lose.  Like it was barely hanging on.  One of the times he went down the slide he lost his tooth.  We could not find it!! 

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