Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

This mothers day didn't go exactly how I planned.  Sometimes life is to busy to make good plans. Although I enjoyed the messages given a church.  One particularly stuck out to me.  It was talk about the generations of a few women in a family.  How they experienced hardships in there life some very difficult things but we're dedicated to there children/spouses/religion.  The talk went on to stress that we should be the best moms we know how with our talents and not compare our selves to others.  Today I was thinking about how blessed I am to be a stay at home mom.  I've been to my kids school five times this week, and that's not including regular dropping and picking up. I am
able to take them to doctor visits, field day, and lunches.  My talents aren't as physical or musical but most of the time I have unlimited patience.  I love teaching my children and talking them through things.  In my mind teaching opportunities are endless.  Our children are essentially blank pages needing instruction, guidance, love, understanding, structure, and patience.  I truly enjoy being a mother it's the most time consuming heart wrenching thing I've ever done.  I can honest say I love each one of my babies evenly.  They bring me so much joy.  I also think about my own mother and my childhood and how our relationship has grown.  My mom often lends an ear to issues, triumphs, and normal everyday things.  I appreciate her advice and expansive knowledge.  She is my favorite shopping partner whither it's clothes or decor.  It's brilliant how her mind works and I am constantly stunned by her interior decorating choices and vision.  Nobody can make yard glow like my mom well maybe her sister my aunt.  Those ladies have a green thumbs.  I love my mom very much and I am most thankful for the gift she gave me through my sister.  I can't leave out my mother in law, she has never turned down a babysitting job for us, and is so quick to help our family!  She loves her son and grand babies so much and goes above and beyond all the time!  I also have to mention how much I love my California mommy Steffer, my aunt.  She is always there for me and a quick phone call, email, or text message away.  She is so involved in my life and my kids lives.  I am thankful I've had so many female motherly figures in my life.

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