Friday, August 16, 2013

11 years..

Today Richard and I celebrated our eleven year wedding anniversary.  Another year we didn't really get to celebrate we had big plans to go to this resort in Canyon TX this past weekend but instead we packed up the house.  Last year we wanted to go to Hawaii to celebrated the big 10 years but we had a newborn.  Maybe next year we will actually get to celebrate.  As for this year we were able to send the big kids to a friends house.  Richard grilled steaks.  We watched a movie and at cake, while Beckett took a nap.  Richard even surprised me with flowers, I told him not to buy any since we are moving in like a week!  But this morning when I woke up I saw these beautiful flowers and a very sweet card.  All I have to say is 11 years of marriage is not enough time, I cant wait and see what the next 11 years bring us!

Here is a little flash back to 2002, I found our wedding album while packing and thought it would be fun to load a few of these pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I love the simplicity of your celebration...that's what's it's about...just time together :) 11 years??? Wow! That's awesome girl!
