Saturday, August 3, 2013


I have a feeling I wont be blogging very much these next few weeks, just a heads up to my handful of readers.  Ever since finding out about Richard's transfer I have been going crazy trying to prepare for the move.  Having older kids this move has been a little harder as far as planning wise goes.  Trying to get two kids registered for school, having their paper work for Hobbs transferred, signing two kids up for soccer (that was awful scanning documents/emailing/phone calls), finding a new piano teacher.  That's the easy stuff, packing up the house with a my new walker constantly around me is tough!  You can only get so much done during nap time!!  I also need to set up cable/internet, water, electricity for our new home.  Plus constant phone calls from the mortgage lender and the realtor has kept my head spinning this week!  Plus I've managed to take the kids to the pool in-between all these things this week.  Although I am happy to be in the middle of this wonderful chaos!  


  1. Girl, you are not alone! I am right there with you. Just a few weeks we will be in new homes! Stressful yet exciting times :) I'm happy you guys are coming to Midland!!

  2. I know right!! Once we are settled we must get together!!!
