Friday, September 27, 2013

A mother

Some days run together and remind me of the movie groundhogs day, but there are a few days that stand out.  Most of my days consist of waking kiddos up, feeding children, dressing children, finding shoes, getting everyone to school on time, entertaining a walking baby, feeding/changing/bathing/nap schedules, making lunches, washing clothes, making beds, cleaning the same thing over and over, dishes, sweeping, mopping, dusting, oh the toilets (BOYS), cleaning the tub, cleaning the yard, soccer practice, piano practice, where are the sheen guards, lost soccer ball, homework times two, and more sweeping!  Some days like yesterday I was at my kids school 4 times! We were picking up two of the kids friends after school, one kids mom had a Dr. apt and the others grandma was out of town.  Its so very easy to lose your identify and only be MOM!  It so easy to get caught in the constant making kids lunches for school, wash and lay out there clothes, drop off/pick up.  Especially the baby (I refuse to call him my toddler) he needs me constantly, or he can very easily get him self into trouble.  Yesterday was one of those days where I believe life reminds you hey its all for something!  That morning was a little rough, I was getting on to Cooper for the hundredth time about something.  We were in the drop off line and he looked up at me with his big blue eyes with tears filling up.  He told me he loved me and shut the door to go to school.  I felt terrible all morning and thought what a trivial thing I was mad at him about and decided to surprise both kids for lunch.  Both the kids lunches are thirty minutes apart from each other.  Cooper was of course surprised to see me, I brought him a sprinkle donut which he devoured.  he kept putting his arms around me hugging me.  I told him I was sorry for getting on to him earlier, he kissed me on the check.  After lunch was over he went to line up and I hugged him.  I watched him walk outside talking to his friends, he caught a glimpse of me out of the corner of his eye and ran back to hug me and whispered to me "Your the best mommy."  Then Allison's class came in and she saw me, we sat down and chatted for a minute.  When we were about to leave she was talking to Beckett and he was reaching for her and she gave him a hug and he didn't want to let her go.  As we left Beckett kept waving good bye to Allison.  Some times life slows down just enough for you to see the little things.  The love between siblings, or the thoughtful words from one of your children.  I am so thankful to be my children's mother. I don't have a job where I clock in every morning, answer to a boss, or can call in sick.  My job is 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year forever.  I wouldn't change a thing about my life, I love my kids fiercely and am so thankful for the opportunity to stay home with them.  I am thankful for the tender mercies the Lord grants me.

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