Thursday, November 21, 2013

Guilty plesure and other things..

 I have two guilty pleasure shows on my DVR list.  I don't often have time to watch TV but I allow myself a lunch break everyday for 30 minutes and most times its snuggle time with Beckett.  My two shows are Glee and Dancing With The Stars!  I am not sure if its the music that both these shows have in common but Beckett sits totally still and in my lap.  I also wanted to share that I made this amazing chocolate cheesecake recipe from Pinterest a few days ago, seriously amazing! Check out my dessert board on my Pinterest and make that bad boy!  I ate three slices in one day it was so good!!!

Some days are so hectic and my little B boy adds to the chaos most days.  Some times Beckett drives me crazy, growing pains ugh!  He is so destructive and mischievous right know.  All my sweet boy has to do is look up at me and he melts my heart.  I am really enjoying are days together and its a very crucial time for Beckett.  We are learning boundaries right now.  Beckett has become so curious and has really gotten himself into trouble getting into things.  Last week he got into my quad eye shadow and my blush and destroyed it with the motorized tooth brush.  A couple weeks ago Beckett got a bug bite and had a terrible allergic reaction to it.  I had to take him into his pediatrician because it was swelling up so much it looked like a goose egg bruise!  Any insect bite he seems to have reactions to, like last month when he sat in a ant pile it took three weeks to clear up.  My little guy has brought such a change to our family.  Even though so days I feel so stressed I try to remember that's these days are so fleeting and my baby will grow up faster than I can imagine.


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