Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mr Personality

I like to call my Cooper James Mr. Personality!  He is a very friendly kid, to adults or to children.  When I see him at lunch time all the kids scream Cooper its your mom or when I pick him up from school everyone is hugging him good bye or calling his name.  Where ever we go Cooper makes friends.  Cooper is totally the class clown, but he is surprisingly smart.  He tested on gym level at school, and he is on the highest reading level in his class.  Cooper goes to gym once a week and he goes to first grade twice a week for there centers time.  I was so worried about holding my Cooper back this year since his birthday is very late in the summer, in fact he is the youngest kid in his class and one of the youngest in the entire kindergarten.  But this summer Cooper surprised me by picking up reading.  In fact he loves to learn and tells me how much he loves school.  Cooper shares his easy going personality from his father and is a very carefree child.  This certain carefree/friendly attitude gets him in to trouble at school.  He loves to talk and make people laugh.  His maturity level isn't quite there with the other kids, but he makes up for that in brains.  Or as his teacher likes to say "His blue eyes get him out of trouble A LOT!" His teacher Miss M tells me is so hard to discipline Cooper because he is just to darn cute and funny!   Cooper sometimes ask me the craziest thought provoking things.

If I kept digging will I make it to the ocean.

If I walked to Tokyo how long would that take me.

I can hear my own heart prints sometimes (hear beat)

If God create us, then who created God

I never want to be hurt and have to ride on an ailenance (ambulance) I just want to go for a regular ride.

Do you think a cloud is soft or is it wet because is holds all the rain.

I kept a note section on my phone just for Cooper and the silly things he says.  In two weeks it will be Cooper James half birthday.  I love that blue eyed boy so much!!!

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