Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Beckett's 3rd birthday


I was worried about this day, being so close to my due date and planning a fun party for the birthday boy.  We made it and the day was exactly what Beckett wanted.  We invited family and two friends over to celebrate Beckett's third birthday.  Everyone enjoyed the jumper, pizza, and cupcakes.  But most of all Beckett enjoyed opening and playing with all of his presents!  He knew it was your special day.  You loved being sung to and kept saying that your 3 with such pride!

Now a little something to my sweet Beckett boy.  I always sing happy birthday to my babies, I hold them in my lap and sing softly to them.  The second you woke up I scooped you into my arms and sang to you.  Looking back on the past few years of your little life brings back so many memories.  Your birth was my toughest, and you were such a sick lil newborn.  We had to give you medicine three times a day, special formal that your tummy could digest, and rice cereal so you would keep it down.  I couldn't lay you directly on your back, a few months after the meds you got better at it.  Your breathing problems knocked you down when you had a bad cold and landed you in the hospital.  I have never been so scared in my life when you stopped breathing multiple times.  Or when they couldn't get the IV in you and you cried so helplessly.  But you made it to your first birthday as such an east going guy.  People often commented how they forgot I had three children you were so quite and content.  The second year of life we bucked horns, you really pushed boundaries and had such a temper.  Eating was tough on you thanks to your reflux problems you made bad associations with food and drinks.  You didn't want to talk at all!  I have raised a couple of kiddos and I am just as stubborn as you are.  We pushed through that stage and you became so happy again.  I have to say I enjoy your company so much and am a little sad to see our alone time together change with the birth of your new brother.  The last three years have been just the two of us.  You've grown by leaps and bounds!  You are so smart and surprise me by what you say and ask!  Your also pretty easy going and up for whatever we have planned.  It doesn't take much to make you happy.  It melts my heart when you tell me "I love you very much".  You are very apologetic and will be the first one to say I am sorry or admit when you've made a mistake.   Some times you sneak out of the room at night and hang out with your dad and I when everyone else is sleep, but you always make your way back to your bed.  You are the BEST sleeper!  I love this about you I can move you from the car seat to your bed, from the couch to your bed nothing wakes you!  You entertain yourself better than any kid, I never have to occupy you!  You find your self a toy and let your imagination soar.  You share some similarities from your siblings but then your so different, it brings me such joy to see you grow.  Some times you walk by and I can help but smile, at the little person you are and the little person your growing into.  I love you so very much and am so blessed to be your mommy.

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