Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve

This Christmas Eve will have a special place in my heart.  Richard had to work and Beckett was up at 7:30.  I had one last Christmas movie for the kids and I to watch Home Alone 2.  I made breakfast and we watched the whole movie with out interruption.  I had all three of my babies surrounding me on the couch intently watching the movie, it was perfect.  The entire day was wonderful.  I bathed all the kids, did some laundry, washed dishes, and cleaned house.  I got to have a long chat with my sister Courtney.  I also baked most of the entire day in between things.  I made sugar cookies for Santa with both big kids.  I made chocolate puppy chow, peppermint brownies, and chocolate cheese cake. 

At the end of the day we went to eat dinner and open presents at my sister in laws house.  Dinner was absolutely delicious, funny side note I had so much food stuck in my braces lol!  Then it was present time!!  My favorite part of watching the kids open presents was watching my great nephew laugh at this dancing chicken, awe it was the cutest thing ever!  The kids loved these race motor cycles that there Aunt and Uncle got them.  I got a new crock pot, I need a new one since Beckett broke my old one.  How blessed we all are with so many gifts.  After all the festivities we went home and my poor Beckett who was hours past his nap went straight to sleep while we decorated cookies for Santa.  The kids went to bed and the parents stayed up way to late preparing for Santa's arrival.


  1. Beckett sat through an entire movie?? I'm jealous!! Glad you guys had a merry Christmas!

  2. B looks so big I am so missing his growth! He isnt gonna know who I am when we see each other again!
