Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I am so behind on my blog!  I have so many blogs to post,  I hope I can make time to catch up with another busy week ahead of me. 


With three kids that means I've got a lot of socks and shoes to keep up with!  I feel like I am constantly washing, putting up, and pulling out socks.  Not to mention some how my children's socks are always disappearing.  Or my sweet boys think socks are shoes and walk around the backyard and get there socks so filthy I contemplate throwing them away.  Oh and the holes, constantly throwing socks always because of holes!  Sometimes I seriously think about just buying a small basket and leaving it on top of the dryer to hold socks because I am tired of separating and putting socks away in three completely different areas! 

My children go through shoes like paper towels!  Beckett is growing so fast his shoes cant keep up.  Cooper too is growing like crazy but he is very rough on shoes and lace's.  But my daughter she is the worst on shoes.  Wondering why, because she thinks she can play soccer and kick a ball in any type of shoe whither it be tom's boots, or sandals.  I have just bought Allison her sixth pair of shoes since August!  There is my crazy mom rant, its a silly thing to be irritated about but had to share.  Enjoy this silly picture of my kids dancing on Allison's bed.

1 comment:

  1. haha omg you should save the mis match and make something like that snake outta them!
