Friday, February 21, 2014

Update on B

Last week I had an appointment to check on Beckett's speech.  The appointment went well and last about an hour.  While I was asked question's about Beckett and his development he was test by the speech therapist.  Beckett was tested on 6 different levels.  After his testing and me answer questions we discussed Beckett's breathing issues and acid reflux that he suffered with as an infant.  The speech therapist felt like his reflux could be the cause to his lack of speech.  She said the Beckett associated his reflux as a negative thing so eating, drinking, talking is foreign to him and possible negative in his mind.  Beckett eventually ate food and would drink out of the sippy cup but it took a long time for him to be comfortable.  The therapist feels like it will take Beckett time to realize the speaking is the best way to communicate his wants and needs.  Here is the results on the test, the number represents the age in months that Beckett scored.

1. Adaptive: 24 months
2. Personal-Social: 26 months
3. Communication non verbal: 20 months
4. Communication verbal: 16 months
5. Gross Motor: 32 months
6. Fine Motor: 34 months
7. Cognitive: 24 months

Basically he is slightly delayed in verbal communication by 15% he has to be over 30% to consider a candidate for speech therapy.  I was pleased with the results and surprised how ahead he was in areas.  I also received some great tips in helping Beckett speak more.  Did you know it takes 200 hundred times for a word to be said for it to become familiar to the brain?

We also got Beckett his first big boy hair cut.  We've been trimming it for a few months now, because the back was so long and the sides you could tuck behind his ear.  The top of his head hair finally came in, where it was thick enough you couldn't see his scalp.  I love his haircut!!  I did a double take all weekend looking at him!  He looks like a big boy, and a mix of my Cooper and Richard.


  1. How cool I so didnt know you had to say a word that many times to become familiar to the brain!. Hims looks so handsome!

  2. Hey! I never have time to look at blogs anymore :( I'm glad his appointment went pretty good!!
