Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blue eyes..

Thursday was full of activities from sun up until sun down.  I've concluded that pretty much every day of my day to day life is busy.  As is the stay at home moms life to my crew of three. I had again over booked myself with activities, and booked myself minutes apart from obligations. Thursdays are particularly busy for me because it's my grocery day and the day I eat lunch with the big kids at their school. Adding anything on to that morning is dumb. After arriving late to my meeting and leaving early to have lunch with kids. My plan was a quick lunch so I could hurry back to my meeting. That didn't happen.  After checking in at the office with Beckett in toe.  I walked into the cafeteria and couldn't find my Cooper . He was sitting secluded at a table by himself with his head down.  His teacher motioned for him to come to me.  We sat down and I asked him what he did to receive his punshment.  He looked up at me with those blue eyes filled with tears.  He said he didn't know and told me he hates lunch time because it's so loud. (Side note we have a meeting with a ENT specialist about his noise anxiety. I believe with his numerous ear infections it might have caused some damage/sensitivity).  During this time his teacher walked over and explained to me Cooper wouldn't stay in his seat after she repeatedly reminded him to.  She walked away and I explained to Cooper how there are consequences to his actions and he must listen to his teacher.  The entire time he is pericing me his his blue eyes with tears rolling down his face nodding his head yes.  He then insisted to me he couldn't hear his teacher and that he apologized to her. I told him that we should put this behind us and try again to make good choices.  He refused to eat and laid his head down and silently cried.  I am not sure if I was over whelmed with my schedule and stress with the combination of my very upset son but I cried there with him. At that moment I desperately wanted to take him home.  I grabbed his hands told him to look up at me.  He told me he was having a bad day his best friend told him that they weren't friends anymore.  And that the basketball hit his face at PE and everyone laughed.  I said that I loved him and told him how special he was to me. How smart and talented he was.  I told Cooper that we should have a mommy and Cooper date and we could build Legos or eat dinner on the trampoline together.  His reply with tears was what about Beckett he didn't want to leave him out.  I guess Cooper's teacher saw me crying and walked over.  She sat next to Cooper and said I don't want y'all to cry bc then I will cry.  I told her we were ok and that we had talked over consequences.  She told Cooper that since the whole class was rowdy that the behavior charts would start over after lunch and he would have another opportunity to make good choices.  She said that there literacy Easter egg hunt riled up the whole kindergarten.  Cooper finished his lunch and it was time to line up.  I don't have another memory in Cooper's short life where he gave me such a long hug I actually thought he wasn't going to let go.  He looked up at me strongly and said he loved me a ran to line up.  I couldn't be more proud to be that little boys mom!  I haven't struggled with any of my other kids as much as I struggled with my Cooper James. In that very moment I felt so dang lucky to be his mother! So what if I was late to my meeting, the rest of my day seemed so minimal and unimportant. If I dont do anything else in my life besides be a mom to my children I will be complete.

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