Thursday, April 3, 2014

Delivery Surprise

My little sister had her baby yesterday morning.  They had waited to find out the gender until delivery.  Her fourth boy!!  She wasn't due tell April 27, so she was over three weeks early.  My sister had low platelets during most of her pregnancy.  If her platelets went under 70 it could cause many things; clots, hemorrhage, or a possible blood transfusion.  They took the baby early because her levels dropped to 73.  She was induced early Wednesday morning and the baby was born at 10:33 am weighing in at 7 lbs 9oz and 20 inches long.  They still hadn't decided on a name and asked family for suggestions and guess what they choose the name I suggested! 

                                                                                      Evan Michael Lugar


  1. That's MY baby's name! How funny. Evan Michael. Very strong name.

  2. Michael is her husbands name. I just suggested Evan because it fit with there criteria. How funny I didn't make the connection!
