Saturday, April 5, 2014


Beckett has slept in the bottom bunk bed for a week.  The plan when we bought this house was for the boys to share a room together eventually. We choose a three bedrooms over the four bedrooms because of the playroom this house had.  There were a few other factors, but I wanted a playroom.  I figured that we would move Beckett into the bunk bed during the summer, but I didn't expect him to climb out of his crib so early.  Beckett has been climbing out of his crib for awhile, but we wanted to wait until we came back from our FL trip.  Beckett came back with a cold, then I got terribly sick.  Finally everyone was healthy so last weekend we talked to Beckett and explained to him that he was going to share a room with Cooper and sleep on the bottom bunk.  He ran to his crib and grabbed his blanket and climbed into his new bed.  Could it really be that easy, was I worried for nothing?  Apparently the transition was smooth and Beckett completely understood.  He sleeps through the night and doesn't get out of his bed to play.  I think what helps with this transition is that both my boys fall immediately asleep once they lay down.  Once there head its the pillow there out!  Allison has always slept well and long but it takes her awhile to fall asleep but not my boys.  I am thankful that the transition from his crib to a bed went so well I guess my little guy is growing up..

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