Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I had taken the boys to t&t for donuts.  We were crossings the street when a suv came speeding through did not see us.  Beckett was slightly ahead and Cooper already at the door.  I couldn't walk fast enough, I literally dived to get Beckett and I out of the cars way.  Beckett didn't have a scratch on him but I scrapped up both legs, feet, and hands.  Plus I landed on my belly.  The women rolled down her window and shouted that she didn't see us and was I okay.  I hollered back that I was not okay.  Another patron in the parking lot helped me up as the women who nearly hit me pulled up and then began to drive away.  The women who helped me was able to grabbed the licenses plate number and then she called the police.  We went inside t&t and waited for the police.  The women who helped me bought the boys donuts and chocolate milk.  After giving my report and getting a police incident number I was evaluated at the hospital all Friday.  Baby is doing okay, he past heart rate checks, and stress evaluations.  It looks like he plans to stay put tell his due date, two more weeks.  I did a number on my knees, gashes on my legs/feet, and can hardly walk but hopefully will heal soon.  Honestly it could've been a lot worse.  I was way more concerned about my Beckett initially.  Thankful to my in laws for taking care of the boys, feeding them, and entertaining them while I was at the hospital.  And our church family for feeding and checking in us.

1 comment:

  1. I swear you have the most interesting life then any of us girls. I am so glad it wasnt worse. I was so scared for u.
