Monday, June 8, 2015


My favorite part of the summer so far is not having to wake up at 6am, everyone is sleeping in past 8am.  We decided to get a pool membership this summer, with having no summer plans we figured the cost would be worth it.  We've gone several times, I think I might have to put a limit to no back to back swimming days.  We've meet up with friends every time we go.  Cooper's had football practice, two games, and pictures.  Allison had a scrimmage with her elite team one night.  I had a church meeting that I had lug everybody to.  Allison got invited to the Big Spring water park and stayed with her friend for hours.  She also got invited to go swimming with another friend and went to the Sockers game too.  We've had a busy week that's for sure, I don't see it slowing down.  We have several activities available to us during the week.  The petroleum museums has a weekly camp.  The children's museum has daily activities.  Our church has biweekly activities.  It's a matter of choosing what we are up for each week.  I am glad we have so many options, but I can already tell are schedule is pretty full!  I am really enjoying the extra time with my kids!

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