Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Father's Day 2015

This past weekend was abnormal.  Since I was unable to move around Richard was on his feet taking care of me and occupying the kids.  Friday a few hours after being released from the hospital Richard took the kids to the drive-in to see the new Inside Out movie.  It was nice to have a quiet house and the kids got to get out of the house.  Saturday Allison had a soccer game early.  Richard took Cooper out before the game to pick up donuts.  After the game he went to the store and the took the kids swimming.  Sunday we laid low and had Richard's parents and our niece and her family came over for BBQ to celebrate father's day.  I am so thankful for Richard not only is he an awesome husband but a fantastic dad!  I never could have predict what a great father he would be.  He has a special relationship with each of our kids and parents with such a hands on approach.  Happy Father's Day Richard you are so loved!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Richard! Its an awesome feeling knowing that he can step up to the plate when he has too!
