Saturday, June 6, 2015

35 weeks

Friday I had my doctors appointment, quick and easy visit.  Normal heartbeat, measuring right on, and no swelling.  Back in two weeks and then weekly visits. 

Still no slowing down yet for me.  I feel like my days have been so full since Allison's birthday.  There literally hasn't been a slow day!  I worry the kids won't now what to do if we had a non planned day.  It's not like I've purposely planned jam packed days believe me that's not what I want.  I feel huge and it's almost like a out of body experience because I don't feel like myself.  It's a real toss up to me about which apart of pregnancy is worse the very end or the very beginning.  I start off so sick its unenjoyable/unlivable.  In the end it's just so uncomfortable.  I have trouble getting up from sitting and laying, my stamina is so low.  I can't stand for long I can't sit for long.  It hasn't reached that I am so over it phase yet, but I know it's around the corner. Walking at night now that schools out.  I am definitely nesting, we cleaned out the garage yesterday, took us a few hours.  When we moved in to our house Richard had to work in NM for two more weeks.  The move-in all happened between school starting, new soccer season, a new job, and Richard starting college again.  We literally through everything in the garage and there it has stayed.  I am a pack rat so I keep everything, we've been married almost 13 years.  I am happy to say we got it down to three tubes in the garage, opposed to 18!  Tomorrow we conquer the back yard storage and cleaning out our overflowing playroom!  I hit a snag with the baby bedding, ran out of fabric hopefully the last pattern I need I'll find online or my sister can get it in Florida.

1 comment:

  1. I adore this picture! So Sweet. My ever loving sister always on the go, Hope they have the pattern in the other JoAnn's!
