Thursday, October 16, 2014

Date night

It's been a few months since we've managed a official date night.  We switched our entire Friday schedule around so we could go on a date night.  A big thank you to my in laws for watching the kids at our house.  I cooked the kids dinner and made cookies and Richard and I were off!!!  We went to dinner and a movie!  It was so nice to eat alone.  I could have just been silent the whole time during dinner.  It was nice to actual get dressed and drive in a empty car. It's also been several months since we've been to a move, usually we go to the drive in.  I enjoyed every second with my sweet hubby.  He is my everything!!  The guy does dishes, bath time, homework, babysits, and mops/sweeps!  I had this crazy idea on how to decorate Allison class pumpkin and he entertains my thoughts and helps with my creations.  He puts up with my constant over thinking thoughts, and my sometimes over emotional attitude.  I very much enjoyed our date, gone our the days of just the two of us!  We've been parents for almost a decade!  I am so glad to have Richard as my partner on this crazy journey called life!

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