Friday, October 10, 2014

St. Ann's fair

Most everyone knows Richard and I had our first date at the Saint Ann's fair.  It was our fifteen year anniversary, and it has become a yearly tradition in our lil family.  We rarely get pictures of our selves its normal of the children.  Some of my favorite pictures of the kids with Richard's parents come from the fair. This year we managed to get Allison to take our picture.  Both big kids could ride almost every ride.  Beckett had to be accompanied.  Beckett and I spent our time at the Saint Ann's side.  Both the big kids ran into friends and Richard followed them around as they rode every ride.  We ate, explored, saw friends, and rode rides tell it was dark!  Another successful year spent at the fair!!

1 comment:

  1. I just cant believe how much Beckett is looking these days!!
