Thursday, October 10, 2013

15 months

On Sunday my B boy turned 15 months and today he had his check up.  I was worried that Beckett is a little behind in speaking.  He only says about 7 words: Mama, Dada, no, up, bye bye, oh oh, and dog.  But his Dr. was not concerned at all and told me he would expect the average 15 month old to say at least 5 words.  Cooper was very similar in this area and we are working with B to use his words more often.  Beckett has stalled in the weight area and didn't gain one ounces since his year check up!  He didn't change much in head circumference either besides point 2 centimeters, which is probably good since he is still in the 97% percentile!  Beckett did grow in height measuring at 33 inches putting him in the 87% percentile in height.  Motor and developmental skills were all on target!  My poor guy did have to get several shots plus a flu shot.  He was very shy this visit and death gripped me when the nurse tried to weigh him and when the Dr. was looking him over.  Beckett threw a fit when he was forced to lay down for his shot!

B at a month old

My B boy is into everything including his siblings room's, toys, and there food.  He loves the back yard, garage, and front yard.  Beckett is always telling me bye bye because he wants to go to one of those places.  I love that he still wants to snuggle, give hugs, and kisses.  A recent development is his extreme fear of the vacuum cleaner.  Oh the kid cries bloody murder, and wants to be held!  I enjoy my days by myself with him.  Its nice to have a huge backyard where he can play.  Its so quiet and simple and we just spend time together playing on the trampoline rolling a ball back and forth to each other, or going down the slide over and over again, or constantly climbing the play equipment.  Beckett is a wonderful eater he will try and eat anything!  He continues to be an amazing sleeper taking up to four hour naps a day, sometimes 1 three hour nap or two two hour naps.  And of course he still sleeps through the night!  Beckett's new favorite thing is to get into my purse and steal my keys!  He is a smart kid and understand everything I say to him and instruct him, but he does have a stubborn side if he doesn't want to do something he will tell you!  I also have to add that Beckett has joined big brother in watching DWTS.  For some reason the boys are hypnotized by the music and always snuggle to watch with me.  I love Beckett so much he is such an important part of my life.  I just wasn't fulfilled in life until he came in it.  I am so thankful the Lord saw fit to bring him to us, we love him and cherish everyday with our lil guy!

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe how much he has grown since I've last seem him. I keep forgetting you get to have one on one with him while the kids are at school I bet you love that!
