Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sister Visit

Yesterday my sister stopped by for a visit.  My sister's son Zachary's great grandmother passed away and they were in Midland to attend her funeral.  Although there visit was under sad circumstances we still made the best of the time we spent together.  My sister drove into town early to spend some time with me before the funeral.  I made lunch and we got to talk while the boys played in the play room.  It was so nice to relax and catch up.  It was also a very rainy day, so I thought I would bake some cookies with my nephew.  Later I watched my 6 month old nephew while my sister and her older son went to the funeral.  It was interesting picking up the kids from school and driving to piano lesson's with a full car!  I really enjoyed watching baby Marcus he is such a good baby.  After the funeral the cousins all got to play together for awhile before my sister had leave.  I really enjoyed the time we all spent together, hearing the squeals and laughter from the kids and chatting with my sister was fun.  It made me miss my other sisters tremendously. 

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