Monday, October 5, 2015

A trip to the emergency room

Sunday afternoon after dinner we decided to walk to the park and meet up with some friends.  The two older kids wanted to ride there scooters.  I was loading up the double stroller.  Allison and Cooper were waiting and riding there scooters around the driveway.  I hear Allison fall and cry out then Cooper annoying yells at Allison.  I turn around and Cooper is holding his head complaining Allison hit him with her scooter when she fell over the large bump in the driveway.  I move his hand to look and its bleeding heavily.  At this point Cooper hadn't cried or fussed.  When he saw the blood his eyes got wide and he told me he didn't want to die.  I assured him he would be okay but that I thought we needed to head to the emergency room to get him checked.  I loaded everyone in the car and we went to the ER.  Allison was in tears worried about Cooper.  Richard meet us at the hospital and his parents took the other three kids so we could focus on Cooper.  We were seen right away.  The nurse checked Cooper's vitals, cleaned the wound, and suggested stitches and glue.  There was a several vehicle car accident so we had to wait.  Once they got to us things went pretty quick.  Cooper didn't complain at all as the nurse worked on him, and we were released quickly.  It was a long 5 days keeping Cooper from opening his cut.  Friday night we went to the park and he was back to his normal climbing jumping self.

1 comment:

  1. boy oh boy does this kid like to give you/me scares!! BUT I love these pictures of him, its really the best one. I want a copy lol his smile and eyes!! They're totally my eyes j/k. But seriously even though I knew all this, reading about it just gives me the chills. UGH!!
