Thursday, October 1, 2015

New projects

I recently made a wreath for a friend who just had her baby.  I saw the idea on Pinterest.  I made one similar for Beckett's monster party.  It is so simple and inexpensive.  My brother in laws birthday was the same day my friend was being induced.  Allison saw me working on my friends wreath and decided she wanted to make one for her Uncle.  Accept she wanted to use candy.  I had never let Allison use a hot glue gun but she was determined to make this wreath without my help. Besides my idea to place the words on the candy all the same direction that was the only input I was aloud.  I think Alli did a good job!  My mom was cleaning out her garage and gave me a few thing.  I took home back in March for lack of a better word a basket.  It was metal on top and had a stone bottom, I took in hopes to replace the glass apothecary jar the boys broke.  The problem was the metal doesn't match the metallic metal decor I have.  After months of having this basket I finally bought spray paint and up cycled this piece.  I love the way it turned out!  I volunteered often for the kids school, I m on the PTA board.  The most recent activity was the word wall, the school will be introducing words every week to the kids.  There were 7 areas that needed to be decorated for the words to be displayed, I decorated two areas.  It took me four days and several different trips to finish my little project.  Its not my best work but with four kids and a completely full schedule its the best I got these days.  I haven't really done anything crafty in awhile so it was fun to work on a few projects.

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