Wednesday, February 6, 2013

7 months

Its crazy how time passes.  It seems like just yesterday I was waddling around with Beckett still in my belly, awaiting his arrival.  That stubborn boy only came one day early and that was because I was induced.  I always envied those women who had there babies a week or two early.  All my kids stayed put until I was induced.  Some how seven months have gone by and my tiny sickly baby is know a mostly healthy big baby who still has no hair lol.  Beckett has still not mastered crawling, that kid is just to content to just sit down and chill.   With our other kids Richard and I would put the remote control (Or whatever object they always wanted) and place it in front of them to give them incentive to crawl to it.  Not Beckett, he is totally fine and will entertain himself by watching his siblings.  A couple of weekends ago Beckett got his two bottom teeth in, which caused a few fussy days but nothing major.  He still only eats 6 oz at every feeding, and eats two full servings of baby food a day.  Honestly Beckett is not my eater but he is so content not moving around and observing things.  And truthfully I am okay with him being immobile for the time being, because I am a busy mom!  Some days I cant believe I am so lucky to have my Beckett boy, it doesn't seem real.  He is such an easy going baby, who loves to snuggle and be held by his mommy, and will let me kiss him until my hearts content.  Happy seven months my sweet sweet boy.

1 comment:

  1. he is such a sweet baby boy! Liam is not crawling and has no desire too. Heck, he still doesn't even roll over haha. But I am very ok with him sitting in one spot :) Love these sweet babies!! I want to see his little teeth :)
