Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday Adventures

Last Saturday started early!!!!  Cooper woke up through the night crying out, poor guy limped the whole day because of his shot from the day before.  I checked on Cooper at 5:10 am and never went back to sleep!!  Around 7:00 Cooper woke up and slowly we all ate breakfast, got dressed, and ready to leave for the day.  First on the agenda was hair cuts.  After haircuts Richard dropped me off at my sisters for a craft day!!  We had a few more projects to finish for my sisters shower and we started another couple of projects for my niece's baby boy.  I kept the boys and Richard and Allison ran around town.  Richard picked me up around three to head back to my in laws for an early dinner, BBQ!!!  It was nice to get together and see almost everyone, and to celebrate my father in law's birthday.

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