Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beckett's ONE!!

Today at 11:34 am Beckett Paul Sanchez turns one years old.

A year ago I remember siting in the empty parking lot scared.  I worried that I was changing my families balance so severely that it wouldn't recover.  I fear the unknown and change, I always have.  Before Beckett our family dynamics was simple but I felt something missing.  After our surprise pregnancy then miscarriage in September 2011 I knew no I needed something to fill my heart with joy again.  The morning of Beckett's birth was a whirlwind.  Once things got going around 8 the next three hours are almost a blur to me.  I am thankful to my heavenly father for that brief peaceful still moment after Beckett was born.  I had a few minutes where the nausea subsided and I got to look into the eyes of this new person that Richard and I made.  It was in that exact moment I knew I knew that my life was going to be okay, that my children would adapt to there knew sibling, and that I would be able to handle my knew calling as a mother of three.  I am a worrier at heart my brain it literally never turns off, but I was given such peace.  Beckett has given me that peace.  My poor baby might have had a hard first year of life with his severe reflux issues, hernia in his belly button caused by the constant vomiting, acid diarrhea, breathing difficulties, hospital stay, constant breathing treatments.  BUT I never enjoyed him any less because of those issues.  I took everything in stride which is not like me.  I truly believe this little gift from God has centered me as a person.  There is no better calling or more important thing that I will do on this earth then being the mother to me three children.  I am sad that today my baby turns one but I am happy about the fact that I have him with me on this earth to raise.

So here is a few things my little B is doing lately:

This past week Beckett got another tooth in, totaling to 8!

Beckett loves to get in and out of the bath tub.  As soon as I turn the water off he climbs out!

He also loves to get in and out of the wagon, he will open the door and close it over and over.

B steals the food his siblings leave laying around.  I don't know how many pictures I have of him eating stolen food!

Beckett loves to dance!  He dances ALL the time, any time he hears any kind of music the kid jams out.  I have so many videos on my phone of him dancing!

In the last month Beckett has started throwing small tantrums when overly sleepy, or when he wants something, or is doing something he is not suppose to!

Beckett has learned to escape from the "playpen gate".  I use the playpen as a gate sometimes to cover the door leading to the garage.  Lets just say Beckett hates that and is always trying to get into the garage!

B takes 2 two hour naps during the day, one in the morning and one mid afternoon. He also sleeps a solid 12 hours at night. 

After months of fighting with Beckett to eat food the kids has finally become an eater!  His favorite food is blackberries! Beckett still takes a bottle before bed every night.

Happy birthday B!

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