Wednesday, May 29, 2013


We went into Midland this weekend to spend time with my sister Courtney and her family before they move to Florida next week.  We had a lot of activities planned into two days.  My sister Heather and her family even drove into town Sunday from San Angelo to spend time with all of us.  There were 13 of us!!  It was bitter sweet hanging all together, like old times when we got together daily when we all lived in Midland.  As I drove away from my sisters house watching her and her husband and children on there porch step I was flooded with memories from the past several years.  If you asked me 5 years ago where we would all end up, I couldn't have even dreamed up how things turned out!  Most people know how close I am with my sister Courtney.  I have tried very hard to put on a brave face and stay busy enough not to think about her big move.  I literally cried driving from Midland to Andrews.  Hopefully we can try to be better with keeping in touch and visiting each other. We already have plans to visit my sister and her family in March. 

1 comment:

  1. :(:(:( This makes me sad for you guys. I love living close to family and dreading moving away.
