Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

                                                        My 3 before church                               

                                            My sweet baby B, holding my hand while he slept

My first Mother's Day with Beckett!!  Last year I was pregnant and getting closer to the end of my pregnancy.  This year I am a full fledged mom of three children.  Friday as I was driving into Midland the car was booming with noise.  I listened and could hear Allison singing loudly to her ipod with her ear phones in, Cooper was listening to Bee Movie and laughing, and B was gurgling and cooing.  I thought to myself could life get any better, well I was missing my hubby at that moment since he actually had to work this weekend.  A friend of mine posted on face book about motherhood and I had to share her thoughts.  "Nothing compares to being a mother! Who else can be bugged, tugged, and hugged all in the same day."  Right know I am smack in the middle of my journey in motherhood.  I am a seasoned mother to newborns I've had three, I've handle two kids in the toddler and preschool phases, and know I am in the middle of raising my kiddos.  I was thinking a lot about the stages of motherhood lately we all struggle at certain points, wither its as a first time mother, or in my case when I became a mother of two.  No two mothers or child are alike.  I cant imagine being any where else than in thickness of mothering my crew. 

"Mother= 24 hours job, no pay, no day off, seldom appreciated, & impossible to resign. But we are still doing it with love."

I loved this quote because its so true motherhood is a 24 hour job there is no quiting time, sick days, or vacation time.  Some times it hard, dirty, and you can feel unappreciated.  But our Father in Heaven trust us to be co-partners with our child/children with him and it is up to us to raise, nurture, teach etc. 

I also wanted to give a special shout out to my Mom, I wouldn't be the women I am today with out you.  You have loved me, taught me, been there for me throughout my life.  I love you so much and thank you for everything, love you Mom. 

Also a big thank you to my hubby and my kiddos.  I came home from Midland with the floors swept and mopped, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  This morning I woke up to a necklace that I will forever cherish, cards from each one of my kids and hubby.  Richard even marinated steaks all night took cook on the grill for dinner.  Yesterday was an interesting day.  Half way through sacrament meeting at church Cooper laid down on the seat, I didn't think anything of it at first then I asked him how he was feeling he looked up at me and said "I AM HOT!"   The poor kids ears were bright red, looks like he probably has an ear infection.  With a dose of Tylenol he was out most of the day.  Other than Cooper being sick I got to enjoy such a easy going day with my kids and sweetheart.  Richard came home at three and we spent the rest of the day with each other.

This morning I took Cooper to the Dr and he does have a double ear infection.  Looks like its another day of rest and meds for my lil guy.

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